Tea party underneath the full, Blue Moon rising~

I’m trying to locate the words for what took place last evening under the full, blue moon rising. I was @ my dear friend, Lexie’s home. I was introduced to a DEER friend of hers, named DAKOTA (DECODED) , & now a friend of mine too. We all started activating one another instantly…Anyway, we all were having a tea party underneath the blue, full moon rising. It started happening immediately. The ships, (disguised as airplanes, of course), started to course on by in the sky. They’d hover. They were doing light shows with their specific light pulses, like morse code. They did swirls & turns…I am used to it by now but what took place last night close to the time of 11:11 p.m. was beyond any words I can convey at the moment. A ship flew by & the 3 of us could clearly, CLEARLY, hear the most beautiful TONES sounding off, shall I say. The ship flying by, simultaneously, was definite confirmation for me that the 3 of us were ALL supposed to be there in that very moment in time. I am forever eternally grateful. This was 8.30.12 around or close to 11:11 p.m. & this was in Richmond, Va. in Lakeside. This is also my first post! =)


♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯