The CURRENT events taking place on the planet involving weather and EARTH changes as well as protests are all syncing up. What and who are the forces behind all of this? I’ll let the reader come to their own conclusion. I am here to reveal the latent (yet blatant) codes by illustrating how these events sync up and are tied to the sacred BULL, or Taurus.  Let’s get into it…


The astrological sign of TAURUS falls between April 20-May 20.

YesTAURday, I stumBULLed upon my friend Christy‘s new blog post. She was referring to Istanbul and had MeNtioned the They Might Be Giants classic track, “Istanbul (Not Constantinople).” Doing some research, I then noticed and was corrected that the track was actually a tune originally created in the 1950’s. While reading Christy‘s post, I remembered seeing others bring up the buzz word “Istanbul” via the social media portals. Since I don’t tap into much of any 3D news/current events unless it streams my way, seeing the word, “Istanbul,” really triggered me to find out what the buzz was all about!


GIANTS = Annunaki or Nephilim GIANTS who are back to reclaim the land on EARTH. They are a.k.a. the fallen angels who are of the elite bloodlines.

Currently, there are protests taking place in Istanbul, Turkey.  I immediately related this to my own experience in the fall of 2012 when my friends and I started playing the game, Just Dance 4. One of the tracks we danced to was , “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” by They Might Be Giants. I hadn’t heard the track in years! Dancing to that song really brought back memories but also revealed some codes that hadn’t yet activated me. Please enjoy the video below which will show this part of the game.

My friend, Amanda was wearing a shirt with this design on it on the night I started getting downloads related to Istanbul as we played Just Dance 4.

My best friend, Amanda was wearing a shirt with this design on it on the night I started getting downloads related to Istanbul as we played Just Dance 4.

Since there is some force that predicts timelines before they occur in 3D, the “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” track on the Just Dance 4 game was a prelude to what is syncing up in the timelines on EARTH right NOW!

These protests started towards the end of MAY, which is when we are typically under the sign of the BULL/TAURUS. The protests were said to have ignited in response to government plans to BULLdoze TREES in a park. The plans detailed replacing the TREES of EARTH with SHOPPING MALLS where people can CHARGE their credit cards.

For background syncs and tie-in, please see my recent post on the decoding of The Lorax film.

For background syncs and tie-in, please see my recent post on the decoding of The Lorax film.

The metaphor here is that we are keeping the BULL caged in the B{OX} or the SQUARE since this takes places in Taksim SQUARE. Metaphysically and metaphorically, the BULL represents any hooved animal. The BULL also represents us, the human race. $hopping energy relates back to the BULL because the BULL likes to CHARGE the credit card. The zodiac sign of TAURUS rules the house of possessions and money, thus shopping is typically something that is in8 for the BULL. This all occurs on the anniversary of the fall of CONSTANTINOPLE on May 29th.

Here is the code-cracking break down of Istanbul = I STAN(D) (WITH THE) BUL(L). If we stand with the BULL, we are standing with the EARTH because the BULL is metaphor for our Mother EARTH. The protesters in the park are standing with the BULL. The BULL is the TAURUS or TORUS. The TORUS is the EARTH/HEART. TURKEY = TUR(N) KEY. So we are TUR(N)ing the KEY when we open the HEART of EARTH. The TORUS relates back to TORQUE-(Y) / (TURKEY). When we think of TORQUE, we think of TORSION or TWISTing/(a TWISTER TORnado). TORSION measures the CURVe of something. Events taking place on EARTH right now, cause us all to go through some curves as we adapt to Mama Nature’s current changes. Constantinople breaks down like this–> CONSTANT = always a change. TIN is Ju[Pi]TAUR’s metal. OPLE/OPAL is one of Taurus’s gemstones. It is also a scRAM-BULLed POLE which refers to the divine masculine (MASK-U-LION) as in the MAYPOLE that is celebrated at the beginning of Taurus. OPA is an expression that MediTERRAnean people use to describe a jubilant emotion during celebration.

From Urban Dictionary:

OPA is a also Greek Word that may be used as an ‘Exclamation’, or ‘UTTERance’, or ‘Declaration’, or ‘Affirmation’ or a lovingly gentle way of telling you to ‘STOP’ … depending on the situational context.

STOP<–[POTS/PAN] is the opposite of CONSTANT which is ever MOOving/changing/TWISTing/TURning[KEY] UTTER = UDDER.

OPAL is one of Taurus's gemstones. The RING represents the CURVE or TORque/TORsion here.

OPAL is one of Taurus’s gemstones. The RING represents the CURVE or TORque/TORsion here. It also represents the BULL RING or arena. The  OPA(L)<–(Saturn) relates back to OPA Gangnam Style and freeing the BULL!

This leads me into and syncs up with the recent TORnadoes CURVing through OAK(Jupiter)lahoma. The bull stampedes                                                                  through–>TOR/TAURnadoes. MOOre TAURUS energy! The first set of TORnadoes blew through on the last day of TAURUS/ MAY 20th / 5.20 in MOO-re, Oklahoma. Originally, the reported death toll was 51 (5/1 = Taurus) but was changed to 24 <–(Jupiter/Jew.Pi.TAUR). The tornadoes TWISTED through on 5.19/5.20. Most recently, 18 perished on 5.31.13 ( 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3  = 13 Pi+{BULL} ) or the VERY last day of MAY or when the sign of TAURus is in effect. 18 is a very (TUR)[N])-KEY #.  I know we are currently under the sign of Gemini but it is quite significant that these TOR/TAURnadoes took place during the month of MAY which directly relates back to TAURUS. I can’t help but wonder, did these tornadoes touch down in Oklahoma again because GMO crops are being grown there? Earth has certainly had enough and it’s time for some cleansing to take place here. She obviously wasn’t finished yet.

We also experienced the recent EARTH(HEART)quake that took place in BULi, Taiwan on June 2nd, 2013. Buli = BULLy or BULL. The EARTHquake represents the HEARTquake.


The 6.5 EARTHquake took place in BUL(L)-i/BULLY/BULLE(arth), Taiwan on 6.2.

Below is a superb remix of “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)”. The remix was released and synced up into the timelines just months prior to the game’s release date.

Now it’s Turkish delight on a MOONlit night

So we see that the history behind Istanbul is conNECKted to the events of today. Istanbul, formally the Christian (sun worship) city was overtaken by the Muslims who renamed it and tied it back to the sacred COW or MOOn. In the end, this is a Pi.rfect reflection of our dualistic reality.

As usual, Jim greatly contributed to this post!


1 thought on “ISTAN(D)(WITH THE)BUL(L)

  1. Brilliant! Also good to know- I’ve been discussing the Annunaki/Nephilim/GIANTS with my friend Scottie (Remember SeaStarsSyncing- we discussed all starting a blog together!) I also knew it was an older song- so glad you mentioned that. I LOVE YOU!!! SYNCSTAR!!


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