~ T(iP)s To Guard Oneself Against Chemtrails ~

This blog entry is dedicated to anyone who has taken the time to look up into the sky. If you are among this lucky group of people you may have noticed from time to time LINES (LIONS/LEO energy) scattered about resembling Spiderman’s web or a tic-tac-toe board. My purpose for writing today’s entry is not to argue whether these particular lines are contrails or chemtrails. I am here to help assist others who are waking up to whatever is going on in the skies and are affected by the chemicals that are being sprayed.


These are chemtrails that were sprayed at sunset. “They” do most of their spraying either at dawn or at dusk…Sometimes late at night when we’re asleep and or distracted by other events in the MAY-TRICKS (matrix). That’s actually a small UFO/cloudship/saucer/craft just below the sun, to the right.

1. Eat a 100% organic food diet!

2. Drink the BEST water ever! You can find the purest water ever by visiting a spring near you.

3. Consume immune-boosting supplements, superfoods, and super herbs. This includes but is not limited to the following: chaga, reishi, shiitake, cordyceps, garlic, astragalus, and Vitamin C (in either raw food or supplement form but raw food form is best). The mushrooms I mentioned are medicinal and are not to be confused with the PSYchedelic mushrooms. You can consume them via capsule or powder form. I like powder form because it can easily be mixed into smoothies, elixirs or cereal. If this isn’t for you yet, try Paul Stamets’ Host Defense products. Quercetin is also great as it can be found naturally in raw foods or in supplement form.


This is a photo I took of some reishi mushroom growing off or from a Willow tree. Reishi is a type of polypore mushroom that boosts the immune system. You can find it in either powdered or capsule form.

4. On days when they are spraying heavily, minimize your contact with the “grid” as much as possible. Staying off the grid means not doing any major shopping, going to sporting events and largely avoiding contact with 3D reality, unless of course one needs to work, etc…This is because heavy spraying can affect 3D people quite negatively and they may direct this negative energy toward you.

5. Don’t be afraid to get out into nature when it comes to being in a heavily wooded area with lots of trees. Trees give us oxygen to breathe and they will also help shield and transmute the chemicals. Tip number 5 will now lead into tip number 6…


Trees help shield our auric fields by giving off oxygen for us to breathe. They serve as protectors of the forest. Get out into the woods/forest (near you), sit by a tree and soak up its energy.

6. Call upon the Earth elementals of nature, specifically the sylphs. They are here to assist us and Mother Earth in transmuting the chemicals. If you’re open, you can easily communicate with them telepathically. All you/we have to do is ask for some “assistance.” When I say “assistance” I mean WE are doing the work by asking for a bit of help from them as we visualize the skies clearing up and seeing complete beauty. That’s all it takes!


Most amazing photo (by yours truly) of dancing sylphs in the sky. They will disguise themselves amongst the chem so familiarize yourself with their ethereal appearance.

7. Orgone generators are great and work wonders. You can make your own orgone or purchase it as well. I personally use quartz crystals and plant them outside in house plants. If you’re nimble, wrap the stones with some copper wire or any metal. The metals will enhance the frequency of the mineral/s by giving them an even more powerful charge.


Stick some clear quartz or wire-wrapped crystals in a potted plant and send your best intentions to the skies. The crystals (elementals) work in connection with Gaia and do the work for us as long as we send our loving intentions upward and outward. My best friend wrapped the Amethyst stone you see in the photo.

8. Cleanse the body of any heavy metals by drinking apple cider vinegar, MSM, cilantro juice mixed with chlorella powder, cilantro (particularly the coriander) and lime/s. The listed ingredients can be concocted together and or separately.

9. Maintain a positive attitude!

This is in response to the numerous requests I receive on a daily basis on how to shield oneself against chemtrails. Rather than complain, which can be quite negative, I am here to help others adapt to our ever-changing world. If this entry assisted you today, please feel free to share this post with anyone who may need some extra insight.


My boyfriend Jim greatly contributed to this post. We now laugh at the chemtrail t-shirt he owns because when he first purchased it he was on older timelines.

***All original photos by JewIshGypsy. Connect with me on Instagram!***