~Mushroom Hide-And-Go-Sync Hunt~


In this particular blog post, I will break down the SYNConnections I have made on my many walks in nature with mushrooms without consciously seeking them out.

What I find most interesting about the mushrooms or MOST of the mushrooms I find growing is where they grow. They grow in the mulch which consists of either cow or horse manure in a mixture of deciduous tree bark. No bullsh*t or horsesh*t! Yes, I said it! Crazy sync! I’m a Taurus, (bull/cow), born the year of the horse. Mushrooms, containing psilocybin grow on cow PATties (Lily PAD-my dog) or cow sh*t. Dog‘s bark and trees contain rings. Polypores are spores that grow on the rings of trees after the rain sPOURS in. I’m an aesthetician who works on pores. A “polypro” is a type of hoop and I’m a hooper meaning I’m into hoop dance. When the hoop goes around in a circle, it creates a vortex energy which trees hold within their rings.


My dance hoop “CleopatRA

If you look closely in this pic, you can spot elemental faeries~

If you look closely in this pic, you can spot elemental faeries who are ethereal BEings~

I started writing this blog a couple of months ago and have gathered additional info along the way which has helped me connect additional syncs. Mushrooms are connected to the elemental realm which consists of faeries, elves, devas and any of the Earth elementals in which I am blessed to have communication with. One of the craziest connections I linked together was that the mushrooms/mycelia/mycelium, chemtrails/(chemTRIALS), and etheric cobwebs are all connected. Well, mushrooms contain a network of cells called, “mycelia” or “mycelium.” Mycelia or mycelium is the vegetative part of the fungus that contains thread-like cells or “hyphae.” This network of cells offers us communication among realms outside of our 3rd density. We will find mycelia/mycelium in areas where any mushroom grows, but especially where we find what we call a “fairy ring,” “fairy circle, “elf ring,” “elf circle,” or “pixie ring.” Here is one of my tweets which I inserted into an Instagram pic comment (of my very own) that I am a big fan of because it’s a Pi.rfect POW or “Play On Words”:

“Fairy ring me up on MYCELia.” (My-Celly or cell phone). a.k.a.-a network of cells.

KEY-bler elves hold the KEYs to the PORTals or networks of trees and mushrooms~

Health educator and natural based philosopher Daniel Vitalis (last name sounds like “VItality”) speaks a little more in-depth about communication within the forest between the mycelial network.  Paul Stamets, arguably one of the world’s foremost experts on mushrooms, discusses how mushrooms can save the world.  In this article, the author discusses how mushrooms can be used in eco-friendly architecture.  Please watch the videos above as they will educate you on mushrooms and assist in tying together many of the syncs I am discussing here.  Both of the aforementioned men have brought quality mushroom products to the market that will build your immune system and help you ward off the effects of chemtrails.

Reishi mushroom found in October by Jim.

Reishi mushroom found in October by Jim.


Paul Stamets’ Reishi product: Jim and I took MANY of these during Thanksgiving


Immune-Boosting REISHI mushroom (a polypore) can be found at Whole Foods~

This is one of the mushrooms, (up close), that was growing amidst the fairy ring or elf circle under the ELF tower.

This is one of the mushrooms, (up close), that was growing amidst the fairy ring or elf circle under the ELF tower.

This is the caption underneath the photo above via my Instagram. (jewishgypsy). FE is the alchemical abbreviation for iron and FaEries FEar iron.

This is the caption underneath the photo above via my Instagram. (jewishgypsy). FE is the alchemical abbreviation for iron and FaEries FEar iron. Oh the Irony!  (E)l(F)


Under this ELF tower, an elf ring was growing. ELF towers, like mushrooms, are used in connection with CELLular devices for communication. Both resemble one another in sacred geometry because both are essentially, towers, or umbrella-like.

Under the ELF tower, the magical elf ring pops up.

Under the ELF tower, the magical fairy ring pops up. The real network or web of cells (mycelia) works underneath the tower to protect all of nature from EMF’s.


Another shot of the fairy ring growing underneath the ELF tower.Here are a couple of photos I snapped while walking my dogs…


Walking my dog, I turned around to find her sniffing these guys. They look like little lampshades or umbrellas. Cute, right?!! If you look under the one to the right, you’ll see a tiny ball or spore. Taken 10.7.12 heading into the 10.10 Portal~


After walking my dog, I walked my parent’s dog & I turned around to find HER smelling this one! 😉 1 UP! Also taken 10.7.12. Heading towards the 10.10 Portal~

More mushroom spores that flow freely. Looks like they could have just fallen from some tree~

More mushroom spores that flow freely. Looks like they could have just fallen from some tree~

Chicken of the Woods found by Jim in October

Chicken of the Woods found by Jim in October

Birch Polypore

Birch Polypore found by Jim in October

Large Tree Polypore found by the side of the road by Jim

Large Tree Polypore found by the side of the road by Jim

Let me explain how chemtrails are linked to the etheric cobwebs and mushrooms. At the end of July of this year, I experienced what I term, “etheric cobwebs,” for the first time. They say that the chemtrails they spray are related to s(Pi)derman’s web, so this is how the etheric cobwebs intertwine with chemtrails and the web “they” attempt to cloud our consciousness with. I then ex(P)er(i)enced them for a second time at the end of September. My third and final experience was on 10.4.12. All of my experiences have occurred outdoors while chemtrails were either being sprayed or were recently sprayed into the ethers. I have read many explanations of what others term this to be but I have my own ex(P)er(i)ence to bring forth. It feels like a strand of hair is on you and for some reason you cannot brush the hair off. I HAD to know what this was because the sensation kept occurring on my limbs, face, and chest. When I researched what it could be, I found out it or they were called “etheric cobwebs.”

Note the strand / hair like mycelia coming off the mushroom bodies~

Turkey Tail mushroom with mycelia webs (etheric cobwebs?)

Turkey Tail

Note the strand / hair-like mycelia coming off the mushroom bodies. This is also a polypore/turkey tail.

I was stumped because at the same time, mosquitoes were out biting me at the beginning of October. I couldn’t place why mosquitoes were back with a vengeance. Was this due to the intense heat and humidity? Was it because some type of virus was being sprayed into the air? Were man-made mosquitoes being released along with the chemtrails? I’ll leave that up to the reader to decide.

During the fall, society and our would-be controllers put out a lot of information regarding flu scares and flu vaccines.  Stores such as WalGREENS and CVS (C+V+S=44) offer toxic, unnecessary flu shots at little to no cost to the masses.  These false ideas and beliefs were ushered into mainstream consciousness with the advent of the “H1N1” or “Swine” (Pi.G) Flu Virus that turned out to be a non-issue.  If we add up H 1 N 1, we see that it is equal to 24.  24 is a reversed 42 which is the number of Ju.Pi.ter.

Rainbow Umbrella

42 is representative of Jupiter. Jupiter connects with J, the Umbrella, the Heart, and hence, the Mushroom.

As other synchromystics have discussed, 42 is the number of Jupiter.  The Rainbow makes an arc of 42 degrees and the Umbrella protects us from the rain.  Plus, it has the J for Jupiter as its handle.  J is the 10th letter of the alphabet, or the Omega.  Mushrooms form the same shape as the Umbrella and protect gnomes from the rain.  Jupiter is known as the “Rain Man” and both Jay Z and RiHanna (whose name includes both a scrambled “rain” and “hair” / “hare” and “RA“) have made songs about the “Rain Man.” RiHanna also came out with a song titled, “Umbrella.” There was a movie with DusTIN Hoffman called  “Rain Man.” DusTIN Hoffman was also in a movie called “Hook” and hook is the “J” for Ju(Pi)ter. Peter Pan is/was an elemental and Pan is Jupiter or Pi. The “TIN Man” from the Wizard of Oz was seeking a heart which is Just 2 “J‘s” put together.–> Finally, Prince had a song called “Purple Rain.” Purple is the color of the highest chakra or enlightenment (Christ / Jupiter / Pi / Pan / Zeus / Jesus / Hey Zeus! consciousness).

DusTIN Hoffman

Jupiter is Jove or Joy (celebrated during the “Christ”mas season). Jupiter is represented by J (the HOOK, played by DusTIN Hoffman), the Umbrella handle, and [Peter] PAN.

At the time, TPTW, (The Powers That Were), were pushing the “West Nile” virus. There was also a lot of lightship activity taking place in the sky. I uploaded my first ever YouTube video on 10.3.12, so a lot was going on around us on the ground and in the sky. The EThare-ic or ETHAIR-ic represents the end of time (Hare/rabbit) because our measurements of time and space are just an illusion. The ET portion of that word just represents the extraterrestrials we communicate via mycelia for interstellar communication.


A WEB of chemtrails a.k.a. S(Pi)derman’s WEB. I did not take this Pi.c~

On 10.17.12, I was doing chair massage, and went outside to take a break. I noticed they were spraying chemtrails heavily outside. On my way back inside from my break, I noticed the mushrooms in the photo down below. This was confirmation for me that mushrooms are here to protect us. They build our immune system which I’ll get into in a bit. As I was leaving the event, I nudged my coworker and pointed out our friends that were growing in the spot I had brushed by earlier on my break. She didn’t say much until the next day, when I received a text message from her in which she exclaimed how odd it was that I had pointed out the mushrooms because she had seen a national, daytime talk show mentioning them around the same time. In this particular show and as sync would have it, there was talk of a family who ingested some mushrooms from their yard and got very ill. As soon as she relayed this nonsense to me, (or what I sensed as bullshit<–lol), I started to get downloaded even further. What if they were trying to spread this nonsense because “they” know people are waking up during this shift in consciousness? Here is a clip of the video she was watching. Please take note, the treatment including IV fluids, a charcoal (carbon) solution, and another drug were successful for everyone except for the 24 (42-Jupiter) year old. This made way for a new drug, not yet approved by the USFDA, to be used as part of the “victim’s” treatment. The mushrooms that poisoned this individual were called “destroying angels.” Angel is metaphor for Jupiter or Jesus. I’ll leave the rest up for the reader to decide. I am simply making connections.

In this scare-piece covered 10.18.12 (right around Halloween, LOL), we see that the mainstream media is once again scaring people away from nature and getting into the wild.  During the 30 second clip, the doctor advises people to stay away from any wild mushrooms.  Keep in mind here that there are no poisonous polypore mushrooms. Polypore mushrooms are those that normally grow on trees such as turkey tail, reishi, and chaga.  I believe that they (T.P.T.W.) wanted to get this story out there right around the time the fairy ring closed (October 31st)  and further push people towards flu shots.


Taken 10.17.12 while on a break from doing a chair massage event.

The SunDOG connects to Lily Pad who is a DOG who connects to US, the GODS. The mushrooms, when ingested, activate parts of our dormant, (DOOR-MAT), DNA. They, along with the sundogs act as vehicles or PORTals for transport as we sail, glide, float or walk between different densities (3D, 5D, etc.) here on Earth.

This is a Sundog. Some people call this a chembow. I sense this is a RAinbow bridge/PORTal for transport connected to the mycelia.

This is a Sundog. Some people call this a chembow. I sense this is a RAinbow bridge/PORTal for transport connected to the mycelia.

& here is another shot of a lightship I snapped, resembling a mushroom, here...

Here is another shot of a lightship (cloaked as a cloudship) I snapped that resembles a mushroom

Mushrooms resemble flying saucers or UFO's. Rory also snapped this Pi.c

Mushrooms resemble flying saucers or UFO’s. I also snapped this Pi.c~

I was guided to a link in which devas were mentioned. Devas are a type of elemental who guard the gardens. The day I was guided to this link was October 30, 2012, just the day before Halloween and as Superstorm Sandy was brewing through the East Coast, or the Jersey Shore (where Jim resides). This link is particularly interesting because it states the “fairy gate” closes on October 31st of each year. So, while there may have been devastation with Sandy, the real DEVA “station” was open until October 31 and the storm brewed through October 28, 2012.  Devas are powerful entities.  They are emissaries of Mother Nature who no doubt laugh at the silly chemtrails our would be controllers are spraying.  My niece is also named EVA and she is referred to as “Eva Deva.”

I went on another mushroom hunt or to walk my dog, rather, about a month ago. Her name is Lily Pad. Another personal sync here is that as we began our walk, I see a PODS® truck. “PODS” is a PORTable self storage and moving company. Lily pads also transPORT frogs, bugs or small FaE, (water elementals), within the water. On this particular walk with Lily, I not only found many mushrooms, but I also found leaves that resembled lily pads as well as an aluminum, to-go Pi.zza Pi.e dish. The immediate connection I made was with the Pi.e dish to Super Mario Brothers who are Italian and the mushrooms and Leveling Up! 1UP, 1 UP, 1 UP! TIN is Jupiter’s metal. The iPad is a device used for communication just like the mushrooms or cell phones. Related to the iPad is the iPod. “Frog” rhymes with “dog” and in order to get to the next level, we, the GODS, (DOGS), must LEAP frog or “level up.” To keep our PODS® storage locked we use something called a PAD lock to guard against theft. If our pads are on lock, we get locked into 3D and if we get locked up, (in jail), they put us in cells. In order to activate our cells, we must look at the sundogs that present themselves in the sky as bridges for transport. Everything is Pi.rfect! Below are the many pictures I took on this venture.

These songs were streaming through my mind as I was syncing this blog together.

Leaves that resemble lily pads that sync into my life~

Leaves that resemble lily pads that sync into my life which also resemble 2 x”J“s or”“s~

The Pi.zza Pi.e dish looked like this. Mario, Luigi, where are you?

The Pi.zza Pi.e dish looked like this. Mario, Luigi, where are you? Mushrooms are also a favorite top(P)(i)ing on Pi.zza

The PODS® truck was the first thing I saw on my way out the door to take Lily for a walk.

The PODS® truck was the first thing I saw on my way out the door to take Lily for a walk.

PACMAN is another video game that syncs into all of this because if we spell PAC backwards, it reads as “CAP” and mushrooms have caps. PACMAN looks like the CAP of a mushroom. The pellets he eats could be metaphor for mycelia. This syncs back to Mario and the mushrooms he must eat to level up or MAN up. The green mushrooms, (lily pads are green), gave Mario another life while the red mushroom, (Pi.zza sauce/marinara/red PODS truck), made him double in size.  There was even a character named “Toad” which syncs back to lily pads and leap frogs. When we played Mario Brothers, there was also a warp whistle, (in Super Mario 2), that would take us to new levels and I sync this back to my personal ex(P)er(i)ence with the lightship that played the beautiful tones back at the end of August (in this blog). All of this occurred around the same time or the string of months it took me to put this blog together.


Super Mario 1. Mario is about to MAN-UP here by ingesting the magic mushroom.

I seriously don't seek these things out. This dropped in my lap today as I am about to publish this blog. 12.6.12. Wii=23+9+9=41/5 OR W=23/5 which is "U" in 5th dimension~

I seriously don’t seek these things out. This dropped in my lap today as I’m about to publish this blog. 12.6.12. Wii<–(“i” comes before “J“) =23+9+9=41/ OR  W<–(doUble U‘s)=23/5 which is “U” in 5th dimension~


…and “Toad” (above) rhymes with “code”…


Are the pellets PAC-MAN eats metaphor for mycelia and is he being chased by “op(P)os(i)te reflections?”/(the ghosts in & of 3D)

It’s now December and Christmas time. There is a story about reindeer that fly with Santa’s sleigh to help deliver the presents on Christmas. The myth relays that these reindeer ate magical mushrooms which in turn lifted them off the ground and into flight to guide Santa’s sleigh. Another sync here is that one of my animal totems is the deer.  I was born on a street called Comet Road and lived there until I was 1 years old. My family then moved to Fawn (a baby deer) Lane. All three animals, cow/bull, horse and deer pull carts or sleighs.  I also look like a deer. We all leave breadcrumbs (syncs) for ourselves here. It is our job to pick up the crumbs and sync them back into our lives.

37 = RS which stands for Rory Sonya. I am represented by the Deer, shown here in this Draw Something picture I drew.

37 = RS which stands for Rory Sonya. I am represented by the Deer, shown here in this Draw Something picture I drew.

These are the type of mushrooms that Santa's reindeer ate. Rudolph's nose was red and this is because he ate this mushroom, the Amanita Muscaria.

This is the type of mushroom that Santa’s reindeer ate. Rudolph’s nose was red and this is because he ate this mushroom, the Amanita Muscaria. (Note: This is ONE of the ONLY pi.x in this blog that I did not snap)

Upon researching mushrooms that contained psilocybin in New Jersey, where Jim is from, I found a species by the name of “Gymno(Pi)lus Junonius,” or commonly know as “laughing Jim/laughing gym.” This automatically ties both of us together (Rory and Jim) because one of our favorite things to do on Earth is laugh and crack jokes, next to cracking codes.

As we mentioned earlier, Paul Stamets, (last name sounds like “Stamen”–of a flower), is an author and mycologist who has conducting in-depth research on mushrooms.  You’ll definitely want to check this guy out if you haven’t already.


What the fungi?! This is called a Stinkhorn.


Autumn mushrooms in VIrginia~

Place a gnome in your garden and watch everything grow~

Place a gnome in your garden and watch everything grow~



Mushrooms love to grow at my friends, Emily & Jenn’s pad~


Same mushroom (at Em & Jenn’s) different angle and with the spotlight on.



~Building a Gnome Home. The fireplace goes here to invoke the fire elementals/salamanders~

Gnomes are garden protectors and magical workers of the elemental realm~

Gnomes are garden protectors and magical workers of the elemental realm~




Mushrooms found at Em and Jenn‘s!




Mushrooms resemble parts of us in nature.


Underneath the CAP, MAN






mushroom spores~


Mushroom spores~

mushroom spore~

mushroom spores~

Turkey Tail found the day after Thanksgiving. 11.23.12~

Found: Turkey Tail, the day after Thanksgiving. 11.23.12~
Turkey Tail helps break down deciduous trees that have been AXed/(OX-bull) or cut down. It is a medicinal mushroom and helps fight cancer.




A few final syncs are worth mentioning here as we wrap up this monumental post. During Thanksgiving, Jim and I were led to Paul Stamets’ Host Defense Reishi product while shopping at Whole Foods.  I posted a picture of it on Instagram and this was noticed by one of Paul’s employees, Christy Patton.  As the sync-0-sphere of social media would have it, she had already been following me for a while and began to tap in to Jim and I when she noticed this picture.  She eventually reached out to me and then followed me on Twitter.  Christy has written an excellent article on mycelia and mushrooms here which will provide further background information. I am so thankful for the incredible connections social media and synchronicity continues to lead me to! Her name is Christ-y. (like Jesus)


In summary, we need to understand that mushrooms are good for us.  They are an integral part of our ecosystem and certain ones help build our immune system.  They travel throughout the galaxy as representations of Jupiter, the grand father sync that ties everything together.  When a problem such as chemtrails or ELF towers is presented, we can harness the power of mushrooms to bring us into balance with the earth.  The mycelial network not only connects each tree in the forest but also stretches intergalactically while helping us to awaken to higher consciousness.  When we incorporate mushrooms into our own CELLS, we build our immune systems and also adopt their ability to make connections.  This, combined with the use of social networks such as Twitter, helps us to sync deeper and see that everything is truly and naturally connected.

Jim Butler contributed to this post.  His blog can be found here.