Orange Is The New Black: Decoded

This blog post was co-written by Jim and Rory. 

Lately, we’ve really gotten into the new Netflix original series Orange Is The New Black. The codes in the show relate back to our previous blog post. These two entries center around the key themes of Pisces/Pi-SEAS, time, and feet. Additionally, many other codes present themselves in this enthralling series.


Orange Is The New Black premiered on 7.11.13. Notice how the main character, Piper (center), is in the 7th position and is sitting in the shape of an X (JuPiter). It also bears resemblance to another story…


Piper = Jesus. Notice the repeating 11:11:11:11 pattern that shows up in both pictures.


The series premiered on 7/11 just before Pi Day (7/22) or the LIONSGATE opening. LIONSGATE is the comPANy that produces the show. LIONSGATE = LION + S + GATE = LION S(TAUR)G8.  LEO = the 8th month of the Gregorian calendar. We have just transcended out of the sign of LEO. Natasha Ly[I]ONne plays one of the main characters. 

The series premiered on 7.11. 7 Eleven is a convenience store and ORANGE is one of their theme colors.

The series premiered on 7.11. 7 Eleven is a convenience store and ORANGE is one of their theme colors. 7 + 11 = 18. Above, we can take the 11 and add 7 to it from either the left or the right to get 18.

The show was created by Jenji Kohan a.k.a. the JoKer archetype. There were 13 (Pi) e[Pi]sodes in season 113 episodes = 12 apostles + 1 Jesus. It is rated MA (Mature Audience). MA = 13 + 1 = 14 (Pi). 13 (episodes) + (season) 1 = 14 . 13 and 1 are key numbers here.

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The DOC is the COD[e], a type of fish. Fish are sometimes caught from the DOC[k].

New prisoners are outfitted with orange jumpsuits that read D.O.C. on the back. D.O.C. stands for Department Of Corrections. When read backwards, it spells COD, a type of fish. COD also = CODe and there are tons of CODes in this show. Orange is the color of creativity and represents the sacral chakra. Black and orange are the colors of Halloween, a scary holiday. Halloween and prison are centered around fear. The theme song for the show is “You’ve Got Time” by Regina Spektor. A specter is a spirit or ghost that one sees during Halloween. Time relates back to Saturn and the famous rabbit below. 


Bugs Bunny’s famous saying was What’s Up DOC? and he ate orange carrots. The bunny or hare = time. Time is always on the minds of inmates. When someone is incarcerated, they are required to give their time to the prison.


The Lorax is orange with blonde hair. Piper sports orange and also has blonde hair. Orange is another color that represents time because it’s just below the SOLAR plexus. SOLAR refers to the SUN because it keeps track of time.

A CLOCKwork Orange, The Oranges, Agent Orange and the sacral chakra ~

A [C]LOCKwork [O]range [D], The Oranges, Agent Orange and the sacral chakra ~


DOC from the Back To The Future series . . . The movie centers around time.

Shoes are mentioned often in the series. Episode 1 starts of with Piper wearing makeshift flip-flops made out of feminine hygiene pads. Piper is seen as well-HEELed by the other inmates. Mr. HEALy is assigned as Piper’s CO[D] or social worker. One of the characters, Burset, ties in perfectly because she was using stolen credit cards to pay for her son’s sneakers. She also ties back to time because she is the prison’s HAIRdresser. HAIR=HARE. Credit cards = charging = the bull or Taurus energy. Another one of the characters, Watson, is a track star. In high school, she was a champion runner. She eventually ended up running from the cops after robbing a store. Both she and Piper are happy when the track is reopened.

Burset hairdresser

Sophia Burset is the prison’s hairdresser. This is the scene in which Piper sells her hair for some lotion. Taystee gets some blonde [C]LOCKs.

In the beginning of the series, Piper trades her own LOCKs for some cocoa butter. When in prison, one is LOCKed up. LOX is also a type of smoked salmon or fish which brings us back to Pisces.

Piper gives away her hair - GIF

Watson track star

Watson was a track star at (Armin) Van Bu(u)ren High School. 😉

In another one of the episodes, the prisoners who won the WAC (Women’s Advisory Committee) race were awarded with Dunkin’ Donuts (“America RUNS on Dunkin'”) by Mr. HEALy. Their theme colors are orange and Pink. Orange and Pink are colors on display during Easter which brings us back to the bunny or HARE, Jesus, and Pisces. The deeper meaning here is that the prisoners feel as if they are getting ahead when they aren’t getting anywhere. They still have to do their time, therefore the WAC is WACk!


Mr. HEALy awards the girls of the WAC RACE with Dunkin’ Donuts. The name of the episode is “Blood Donut.” Blood relates back to Jesus and the blood of Christ.

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Jason biggs (Pigs) plays Larry BLOOM. Here, he is roasting a Pig. The Pig relates back to Jesus and Easter because pork is eaten during the holiday. BLOOM also relates back to Easter and spring, for this is when flowers start to BLOOM. The irony here is that Bloom is Jewish and Jews typically do not eat pork. Even Piper gets in on the code-cracking during this episode (1–>and Jesus is 1) when she says “It’s thematic…Pigs, Cops.” Polly says, “You’re not serving time in Cuba.” The Bay Of Pigs is located on the southern coast of Cuba.

In addition to the above, here is a collection of shoes or other foot syncs.

1. In the 1st episode, Piper is given shoes that resemble TOMS. She advertises them by explaining TOMS’ mission.

The scene where Piper is given her prison shoes that resemble TOMS.

The scene where Piper is given prison shoes that resemble TOMS.

2. Burset says she wears a size 13 shoe.

Duct tape flip flops - OITNB

Sophia Burset shows off her makeshift, metallic “couture” flip-flops made out of industrial tape to Piper. She makes her own because the commissary doesn’t carry her size 13 shoe.

3. Red says, “Don’t forget the toes, Norma,” who is shaving her legs in episode 2/T[W]OE.

4. A young Alex Vause is teased for wearing generic sneakers in episode 9. Her nickname is Pig Sty.

5. Red says, “He walked so much he wore holes in his shoes” in episode 8.

6. Pornstache says, “No Running!” Running isn’t allowed anywhere except for the track towards the end of the series.

7. Alex is reading a book called “Born To Run” in episode 12.

Orange is the New Black 2

Born To RUN is a popular book about running bareFOOT and showcased the vibRAM SHOE. RAM = Aries. Bruce SPRINGsteen’s Born To RUN album brings us back to Larry BLOOM. BLOOM–>FLOWERS–>SPRING–>Aries the RAM

8. In episode 10, Poussey Washington jokes around with Piper and says, “Give me your shoes!” Polly says, “When I put my cold FEET on him he is always warm, and only sometimes annoyed.” Piper helps Polly put her wedding shoes on.


Orange Is The New Black was written by Piper Kerman. The series is based upon the book. Take note of the word “YEAR” on the ORANGE SHOES.

Jesus, also known as yeSHUa, is discussed often in the show. One of the characters, Pennsatucky, is a Jesus freak and claims to have HEALing abilities. Jesus HEAL/(HEEL)ing brings us back to Mr. HEALy. Mr. HEALy sends Piper down to the SHU (Security Housing Unit). SHU=SHOE and we wear shoes on our feet. Constance SHUlman plays “Yoga Jones.” Pennsatucky claims to have HEALing abilities. In one of the episodes she says to Piper, “It’s your SOUL (SOLE/SOL) that needs saving.” When the doctor asks her if she has experienced anxiety, she replies with, “You think this is an easy job, having to HEAL the whole world with just these ten FINgers?” Polly names her baby FINN. During the season FINale, the inmates put on a CHRISTmas play. 


Piper is sent down to the SHU thanks to Mr. HEALy.

SHU god

SHU is the Egyptian god and personification of “air.”

Pennsatucky healing hands

Pennsatucky claims to have healing FINgers and hANDs.


Constance SHUlman plays "Yoga Jones." She was the voice of PATTY(more Taurus/cow/bull energy) Mayonaisse.

Constance SHUlman plays “Yoga Jones.” She was the voice of PATTY<–(MO[O]re Taurus/cow/bull energy) MAYonaisse.


Polly (wants a cracker) and Pete<–(Ju.PETE.R/P’tah) name their baby FINN. P is for Pi.

Piper reveals her tattoo of a Pisces FISH to the prison DOC/(COD). He admits he doesn’t like FISH. One of the correctional officers names is FIScHer. O’NEILL, another CO, has the last name of a popular surfboard CO. There is a reference to Neptune in this show. Neptune is the name of the produce company that supplies Red‘s kitchen. Neptune is the Roman god of the [Pi]sea[s].

CO(D) FIScHer~

CO(D) FIScHer~


The ONEILLS. Notice how the wave looks like a C (SEA) + [O] = [C]orrectional [O]fficer.

Piper's tattoo-Orange Is The New Black

Piper’s tattoo on the back of her (Taurus) neck right under her HAIR/HARE. The fish represents the Age of Pisces/Jesus.

CANDY and CORN are 2 other huge themes in this show. Synchronistically, CANDY CORN is given out during Halloween. Big BOO likes to eat corn. People say “BOO!” to scare each other during Halloween. The Candy Crush game reached widespread popularity at the same time the show was unveiled. People in prison face a hard and bitter time, so naturally they go for the opposite, which is sweet.


Candy corn is eaten during Halloween.

Candy Crush

Candy Crush is a popular game on both Facebook as well as mobile devices.

Boo Corn

Big BOO is a fan of corn. Red knows how she likes it = with SAL(t) –> SAL(t)=SOL

Big BOO, Little BOO, a ghost that goes BOO & children of the CORN. BIg BOO and Little BOO love to eat CORN. COTC is a scary movie.

Big BOO, Little BOO, a ghost that goes BOO & children of the CORN. Big BOO and Little BOO love to eat CORN. Children Of The CORN is a scary movie.

Here are some other references to candy and sugar in the show:

1. In episode 2, Taystee is given candy for revealing information to Mr. Healy.

2. In episode 8, Red relays how her father used to sell candy out of b-OX.

3. In one of the episodes, Daya pays one of the inmates in candy for helping her.

4. In episode 8, Piper revelas to Larry that there is a bet taking place that if she guesses close to the birth time of one of her cell mates, she’ll win a Twix bar.

5. There is also references to donuts, a King Cone and Pepsi in the show.

TAYSTEE is a lover of sweet treats. TASTYkake is a popular brand of sweet treats.

Orange is the New Black 5

TAYSTEE likes sweet treats and TASTYkake is a sweet example of baked goodies.

The transgender black man (Burset) represents Jupiter and the androgynous archetype. In the show, he displays both feminine and masculine qualities as the firefighting profession is arguably one of the manliest. When he crosses over into prison, he takes the role of the hairdresser, one of the most feminine occupations. In the photo below, the symbolism is obvious as Burset bears the number 17. 17 = Jupiter.

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3.14 –> 14 + 3 = 17 = Jupiter


Xerxes (from the movie 300) is another character that displays black Jupiter androgyny.

There are obvious Pi codes embedded within the show, e.g., when Crazy Eyes throws her Pie for Piper.  Piper, the main character, brings to mind the Pied Piper of HAM[Pi.g]elin. The prison van in the show features the number 17. The license plate reads LFD-214. LFD–> L + F + D = 22 and 2 + 1 + 4 = 7–> 22/7 = 3.14/ Pi. Taystee Jefferson is TJ and TJ = π / Pi.

Orange is the New Black 6

LFD-214 = 22/7 –> Pi and 17 is 24 flipped upside down and rotated counter-clockwise.

I threw my pie for you

Pie = π

The Pied Piper is the joker archetype.

The Pied Piper of HAMelin represents the joker archetype.

There is a lot of ARIES and TAURUS energy in the series. Of course POUSSEY Washington is an Aries. Miss Claudette is a TAURUS. POUSSEY represents the female anatomy. She admits in the show that she is the astrological sign of ARIES and ARIES represents the female anatomy. POUSSEY is another word for the vagina. Miss Claudette ends up choking CO Fischer’s NECK. TAURUS rules the NECK and THROAT. Norma Romano is a MUte inmate who surprisingly opens her THROAT chakra at the end of the series by singing. MO[O]rello plays the role of MOTHER MARy in the Christmas play. MARy represents both ARIES (the RAM) and TAURUS because TAURUS represents MOTHER Earth. There is a CO named BELL. BELL = cow BELL–more TAURUS energy.

The color RED represents ARIES while the color BLUE represents TAURUS. These colors together make up DNA or the power to create life. We all know life starts anew in the SPRING, or the MO[O]nths of MARch and April. MARch is C, alphabetically. TAURUS is in the position of D alphabetically. DC power runs both the political and electrical systems. DC = DC CURRENT and CURREN(T)cy/SEA powers the financial or economic system. Mr HEALy has Piper hold up both a RED and BLUE dress to see which one he prefers for his wife. These colors also tie us back to Jesus who is wearing RED and BLUE in The Last Supper picture above.

Orange is the New Black 7

POUSSEY is an ARIES. ARIES = the RAM. The RAM symbolizes the female anatomy.

Orange is the New Black 8

Miss Claudette is a TAURUS and she chokes Pisces FIScHer by her NECK. The #’s 17, 13 & 15 show up in the background during the above scene.

norma oitnb

Norma opens up her THROAT chakra by singing in the Christmas play.

This slide depicts the mesh of both Aries and Taurus energy with Ha-Thor, Morello playing MOTHER MARy and MOTHER Earth.

The mesh of ARIES and TAURUS energy with HA!-Thor, Morello playing MOTHER MARy and MOTHER Earth.

Orange is the New Black 10

Officer BELL, a BULL with a BELL and I need a little more COWBELL~

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Mr. Healy has Piper hold up both a RED and BLUE dress to see which one he prefers for his wife.

The theme of pregnancy appears throughout the show. Daya gets pregnant, and both Polly and another inmate give birth in the series. This symbolizes the rebirth of a new age–the Age of Aquarius and the death of an old age–the Age of Pisces. In summary, the themes in this show boil down to time and duality.

As always, please share this post with your friends and family members. Everyone deserves to know the truth—that everything is connected. Furthermore, please do not copy anything you see here and or pass it off as your own without giving due props. Thank you for reading! 🙂

***ALL original slides by SynchroMiss and SynchroMister***

UPDATE: As soon as we published this post, we stumBULLed upon the article below which was divinely timed with the theme of the show. 😉 

OITNB article

Please note where it says “FISH-Out -of-WATER!”