I hadn’t intended on going this far, but after reading Jim, my twin’s blog post, I started activating….So, I decided to take a triP, in to what I just made up, called a                 “SYNContinuation,” which is a sPin-off of the toPics he breaks down. His blog is amazing & here it is–>


….Without further adieu…
Jim said, “St-EVE JOBS: the “cReAtor” of the Apple iP.h.ONE/PiPhone” & I decided to (Pi)ck up where he left off…

If we take the EVE from the St-EVE & +ADd+ADAM‘s/ATOM-SEED (ap-Pl-e-SEED) = A Pi-E-ce of the apPle PIe-WOMAN-A-na-TOM-y). SEEDs come from APPle TREEs that have RINGS/VORTEX energy, OR Phi RAtio/ s-A-c-Red(A RED apPle)s-PiRA-l GeomeTREE<-APPleTREE! The ROOT chakRA is RED & TREES have ROOTS. We can download APPs from our iPhones. How will this all APPeAR, (PEARS grow on trees too!), when we use our TRUE/TREE/3rd EYEs? I/EYE HOPE not as SUM, (+o/to ADD +++), type of APParition—> (“I HOPE” = iPHOne OR iHOP)(iHOP PANCAKES-Aunt JEMIMA), {HOP/JOB <–flip letters around & they’re the same}, BUNNY-RAbbit-Time-Illusion-CARROTS=KARATS(GOLDen RAtio-Phi) RA-b-BIT-s BITe Carrots which are oRAnge. ORANGE represents the SACRAL or s-A-c-RED, (as I mentioned above), chakra. Also, a biT(piT) is the basic unit of almost every modern computer system. (iPhone/iPad) We BITE or BYTE APPles. A “BYTE” is a sequence of biTS. Fl(iP) the “b” in “biTS” down & you get a “p” for “Pi.” Want a PiECE?  We also get, “piTS.”

In order, the chakRAs go RED, ORANGE, YELLOW… (rem-‘EMBER‘ they’re also the colors of the FALL LEAVES). Jim uses the word, “remEMBER,” a few times in his blog.
The YELLOW/GOLD chakra is located between the RIBS (ADAM’s rib/(pi)) or NAVEL. It’s represented by the element of fire/Phi-re. NAVEL ORANGEs, typically, have no SEEDS…SEEd this—>”When the GOLD Rush of 1849 hit, there was a huge demand for ORANGEs in the GOLD country because it was well established that fresh ‘C‘itrus was useful in combating scurvy, a vitamin-C deficiency…” –>http://www.californiabountiful.com/features/article.aspx?arID=695 That link also mentions LEMONS which are YELLOW/GOLDen, have seeds, & STEM from TREES. Phi RAtio is GOLDen. SACRED sPiral/Vortex/TREE of Life. YELLOW= C (Vitamin “C“).  RED= A/(s-ACRED). Orange=B.
If we take RED/A & mix it with YELLOW/C, we get ORANGE/B.

Mrs. Doubt-Phi-re, a.k.a., Ro(bi/pi)n Williams, is holding a broom in the photo that Jim posted. What color is the broom? It’s golden/yellow which represents the Phire or Phi “GOLDen RAtio.”

I don’t want things to get FUZZY, so let’s make a drink called a FUZZY NAVEL, which is a concoction consisting of PEACH schnAPPS/(APPS) & ORANGE juice. The “PEACH” color FALLs, somewhere within the color spectrum, of the RED<>ORANGE<>YELLOW. We all know that Peaches comes from trees & the seed or “Pi-T,” represents the NAVEL-(SACRED GeomeTREE-Sacral Chakra). (P)it’s located about two inches below the belly button. It is associated with feelings, emotions & sex. Maybe after the FUZZY NAVEL, you’ll want a “SEX on the Beach.” Just ask your bartender…

Speaking of Chakras & iPhones, Mudras are hand positions that affect the flow of energy in the body. These specific positions, involve certain fingers that are placed against the PADS or PALMS of our hands. (iPAD/iPhones). PALM, Inc., was also an American smartphone manufacturer. My dog is named, Lily Pad and she loves APPles!

Also, if we take the “B“arack, the “H“ussein & the “O“bama, from his name, we have “HBO.” If we take the “J“oe & the “B“iden, we get “JB.” These guys are candidates for the 2012  PRES<id/pi>ent-IAL election geared up to take place in the USA tomorrow. Many people are out of work & crave JOBS…Take those letters “B,H,O,J,B” and you get “JOB” and if you are out of work, you are considered a bum or a “HOBO.” Also, Joe Biden/bi(pi)den, sounds like BYTE/BITe-ng the APPLE. We also PRES(S)(ident)(D)(ial), “PRESS,” or “DIAL,” buttons on these devices, using the PADS or PALMS of our HANDS. Nobody is going to HAND us JOBS. (Please watch your di/(pi)rty thoughts too, lol!) This is when we ALL must learn how to co-create for oursELves. Eat APPles or plant some seeds, so we don’t become JOB-less OR homeless/HOBO… AND, if we ever do get HIRED, we would have the power to Phire ourselves or get re-Phi-RED or In-Phi-RED, (infrared).

Thank you, Jim Butler! I pick up where you LEAVe off & vice versa. You always insPire me! <3~