Who’s the BOSs?: Even MO[O]re Taurus codes!

This post is dedicated to the sacred BULL in the heavens, as well as the popular creature ROAMing the pasT[A]URes (the COW), a.k.a. — TAURus, who is the BOS.


BOS TAURUS refers to “domestic cattle” found throughout the world.

BOS refers to the genus of wild and domestic CATTLE. BOS = BOSs who is the one in CHARGE. BULLS CHARGE! We have a BOSs at the workplace who MAY be a real BULLy. When we get sick of our BOS, we go on a VACATIoN (VACA+TIN) to get away from the BULLSh*t/B(O)S. VACA = COW in sPANish. TIN = Ju.Pi.TAUR‘s metal. While on vacation, we spend MO[O]ney and CHARGE our credit cards.

The BOSs is the one in CHARGE.

The BOSs is the one in CHARGE.


We go on VACAtion to get away from our BOSs.

Some MAY travel to sPAiN to see the running of the BULLs. Traveling refers to TOuR/TAURism and we become TOuR/TAURists. Another event one may attend in Spain are the BULLfights. The maTadOR says “OLÉ,” which is an expression of joy in Spanish. OLE in ENG/(ANG)lish means “OLD.” Isn’t it ironic that the skin-care line, OLAY promotes YOUNG, radiant SKIN (SYNC)??!! OLAY is a BRAND by ProcTer(AUR) & GamB(UL)Le.

Running of the bulls

The “Running of the Bulls” takes place in Pamplona, Spain.


TOuRism = TAURism

ole olay slide


OLÉ is a scRAM-BULLed LEO. This syncs up with the Shedu or Lamassu which was an Assyrian protective deity portrayed by the body of a LION or a BULL. The BULL/COW is represented by the MOOn while the LION (LEO) is represented by the SUN.



Neighboring sPAiN is ROME (ROAM), Italy where the VATICAN is located. What do COWs do? They ROAM pasT[A]URes. Pasture = pasTOR/(TAUR). Just like the Pope is head of the Vatican, the pasTOR/(TAURleads the serMO(O)n in church. Some people go to the VA[TI]CA[N] on VACA[TI]o[N], which is another scRAM-BULLed VACA+TIN

St. Peter's Square

St. P[i]eTe[AU]R‘s Square<–(a b-OX) is located in Vatican City, Rome, Italy.

Pope Francis

Pope FrAN[KH]cis is to the VATICAN as the pasTOR/(TAUR) is to the church.

Slide 1

BOSTON = BOS+TIN. Boston is located in New ENG(ANG)land, MAssachusetts. MA is the abbreviation for MAssachusetts which is (IAM backW(O)ARDs, as well as MAMA. MAMA refers to mother EARTH(HEART) tying us right back to the BULL who represents our MAMA Gaia.


BOSTON = BOS + TIN. (I) AM the BOSs!

BOSTON was also a popular band back in the late 70’s and 80’s. They originated from BOSton, Massachusetts. B(Sp)ruce SPRINGsteen, another MUsician, was called “The BOSs” as a nickname. SPRINGsteen is originally from Long BRANCH, New JERSEY. A JERSEY is a type of COW/BULL. The SPRUCE (tree) has BRANCHes. SPRING takes place in MAY and when the sign of TAURus is in effect. Boston band

Bruce Springsteen-The Boss

MU/(MOO)sician, Bruce SPRINGsteen a.k.a. “The BOSs” is from New (COW) JERSEY.

Kelis had a song titled “BOSsy.” In the lyrics she mentions, “I’m the chick that’s raised the STAKE (STEAK).” In the chorus she recites, “DiaMO(O)nds on my NECK, di-diamonds on my GRILL.” STEAK comes from COWs and it is cooked on the GRILL. The NECK and diaMO(O)nds relate back to TAURus.

She is also the creaTOR/(TAUR) of the track, “MILKshake.” (Save the MILK for later) The COW makes an appearance at 1:11 in the video below. She says, “I can TEACH you,
but I have to CHARGE.” TAURus is a natural-born TEACHER because the sign is very patient. CHARGing is what the BULL does best!

Then we have Hugo BOSs, who I most recently mentioned here…Hugo BOSs is a famous name-BRAND designer. A BRAND is also known as a LABEL.                                            LABEL[L] = (LA)<–>EL BELL, BULL BULL, BULL BELL, BULL EL, as well as other scRAM-BULLed combinations. The COW wears the BELL and the BELL is the BULL. It’s pretty easy to see how the two (BULL and COW) are conNECKted. The BULL represents mascuLINE/(LION) energy, while the COW represents FEmiNINE energy.


Some people may travel to MO(O)sCOW, RU(E)ssia. RUE/ROU means RED, thus we have the RED BULL from Moscow, Russia. Please enjoy the video below from the latest Just Dance 2014 video game, titled “Moskau.” The background setting takes place in RED SQUARE<–(b-OX) at Saint BAS/(BES/BOS)il’s CATHedrAL/(EL). A CATHeter is said to drain blood which is RED.

BES was an ancient Egyptian deity worshipped as a protecTOR/TAUR of HOUSEholds and in particular, pregnant MO(O)THERs, CHILDREN and CHILDBIRTH. BES ties into BESsie, the COW. The COW jumps over the MOOn. When we think of the MOOn, CANCER (sea+ankh+sir) comes to mind, because the astrological sign is ruled by the MOOn. It is the sign associated with the HOME or HOUSEhold. When the COW is jumping over the MOOn, her udders (BREASTS) and STOMACH are showing. The sign CANCER rules the STOMACH and BREASTS because it relates back to MO(O)THER/(THOR) and CHILD/CHILDBIRTH. BES = a scRAM-BULLEd BOS.

BES was also a protecTAUR against snake and SCOR[Pi]On bites. Taurus's polar opposite in the zodiac is SCOR[Pi]O.

BES was also a protecTAUR against snake and SCOR[Pi]On bites. Taurus’s polar opposite in the zodiac is SCOR[Pi]O.


The COW‘s horns represent the MOOn in its CRESCENT phase.

Going back to the church, “God (B)l(ESS)” is a popular saying. BLESS = BES[S] = BOS. By going to church, we are known to be HOLY. CHI-se derives from the sacred COW. A type of HOLE-y CHI-se is Swiss. A popular saying is “HOLY COW!” The bible/(PiBULL) is the sacred book associated with ChRIStiANiTy. ChRIStiANiTy = CRESCENT, tying us back to one of the many phases of the MOOn as well as the ancient Fertile CRESCENT.


UR is the Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia.
CHURCH–> CH + UR + CH OR 11UR11 –> 11+11=22 and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

God Bless

BlESS = BESSie the COW = BES, the protecTOR/(TAUR) of homes = BOS, the genus of CATTLE.

Swiss Cheese

Swiss cheese comes from the HOLY COW.

holy bible

The holy PiBULL or biBULL. There are two<-(bi)bulls–the BULL that resides up above, and the COW that resides in the pasT[A]URe down below.

Who’s the BOSs was a popular 80’s television show that starred (T)ony (D)ANza         (DNA-ZOO) (TD=24/Ju.Pi.TAUR). The setting took place in                                     Connecticut–>conNEC[K]t-ICUT. He played the role of the divine FEmi9 (COW) and the sacRED mascuLINE/(LION)—>(BULL) (mer)MAID cleaning up after others as well as protecting the HOUSEHOLD just like BES. He was born April 21st, when the astrological sign of TAURUS starts. Tony Danza’s characTAUR was always VACUUMing –> VAC[A]+MU/(MOO)ing.


Who’s the BOS/BES?

Tony Micelli vacuuming

“Tony Micelli” was always VAC[A]uUM/(MU/MOO)ing!

There were a couple other television shows that incorporated BOSs into their title, such as “BOSs” and “Undercover BOSs.”  BOSs starred K-EL-SEY/(SAY) Grammer (gRAMRAM). who played the role of MAYor/(AIR) [T]om [K]ane (T=20 & K=11) and this is when the show started–>2011. Grammar ties right back to lANGuage and SPEECH/SPEAKing. The BULL rules the NECK and THROAT.

Boss Kelsey Grammer

gRAMMAR–>lANGuage–>SPEECH and SPEAKing all relate back to the BOSs.

Undercover Boss

BOSs is a Bollywood movie that was released this year (2013). The Indian people revere the COW as sacred, thus most do not consume their flesh. Below is a trailer from the newly released MOO-vie.

“Like a BOSs” is a song written and recorded by comedy hip-hop troupe, The Lonely Island starring Andy SamB(U)ERG(ER). In the video below, Samberg makes mention of many codes and themes tied to the sacred BULL. He buys a GUN=(42) which contains BULLets and goes bANG. He also chops his BALLS(BULLS) off and bombs the RU[E]ssians. Notice how a shot of the Saint BAS/(BES/BOS)il’s CATHedrAL/(EL) is shown.

Right under the BOSs, we have the MANAGER who is 2nd in CHARGE. MANAGER contains a scRAM-BULLed ANG–>mAN[G]A[N]Ger. ANG stands for ANGus beef that comes from the sacred COW.


The mAN[G]A[N]Ger works under the BOSs.

VACcinAtion = VACA (COW) + cin–>SIN; tion–>ShIN. Many vaccinations derive from COWs (bovine). As we have learned from a previous blog post ShIN/SIN is the Hebrew equivalent of the letter “S” and “SH.” SIN was also the Mesopotamian MOOn god. SIN is used in math (SINe & coSINe), just like ANGle(el)s are found geometry. In the Christian faith, one MAY commit a SIN which is the act of violating God’s will.



A depiction of the MOOn god SIN, a.k.a. Nanna.


ANGLE/(EL)s are a part of GEO+ME+TREE.

sine cosine tangent

SINe and coSINe are a part of mathematics.


The 7 deadly SINs…

The MILKy Way is the galaxy that contains our solar system. The MILK chocolate candybar, “MILKy Way” was named after it. BOSco is the name of a BRAND of MILK chocolate syrup. MILK comes from COWs that are chocolate brown/black and white (MILK).

Milky Way

The MILKy Way galaxy.


The MILKy Way by MARS (RAMS) is made of MILK chocolate.



BOSe is a company that specializes in audio equipment. This makes sense, seeing that TAURus rules the EARS. We listen to MU/(MOO)ic with our EARSSAAB (BAAS/BOS backwards) is a Swedish automobile manufacT[A]URer. Some SAAB vehicles are equipped with BOSe stereos.


TheBOSe is MU/(MOO)sic to our EARS. TAURus rules the EARS.

music to my ears

TAURus rules the EARS that listen to MU/(MOO)sic.


SAaB is a Swedish premium automobile manufacT[A]URer.


A SAAB equipped with a BOSe sT[AU]eRIO

Ford Taurus

The BLUE/BULL For-d<–(4D) TAURus.

We just learned that TAURus rules the NECK, THROAT, EARS and SPEECH. BLUE is the color that symBULLizes the throat chakra. BLUE is a scRAM-BULLed BULL. A YAK is a type of BOVID or BOS, similar to the COW and BULL. A talkative person is said to YAK. If we listen to a talkative person, we do not forget what we have HEaRD. Again, we listen to one who YAKs with our EARS. A HERD refers to a large group of hoofed animals, particularly CATTLE.


YAKety YAK, don’t talk back!”


A HERD of CATTLE can be HEaRD from far away.

Enjoy the 1950’s classic “YAKety YAK” by the CoasT[AU]eRs below.

The word “Possible” is “b/BOSs-I-BULL.” We just fl(iP) the “p/P” to a “b/B.”                 Kim Possible was an animated children’s television series. The creaTOR/(TAUR)s claimed to have created the show in an ELevaTOR/(TAUR). Kim had RED hair to emulate the RED heifer or RED COW. Kim’s best friend was Ron Stoppable (stop-a-BULL).

Durham Red Cow

The RED heifer, RED COW or RED BULL.

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable

K- IM–>P/BOSs-I-BULL and Ron Stop-a-BULL. Kim has RED hair like the RED heifer, RED COW, or RED BULL.

This post has exposed how the COW and BULL show up everywhere…As above, so below.

Thank you for reading! Please share with everyone you know and L<3VE! 🙂

***ALL original slides by SynchroMiss***