2015: Capricorn, Goats, and Azaleas

The beef between Iggy AZALEA and AZEALIA Banks<–(13ANKHs) resurfaced about a week and a half ago. AZEALIA Banks expressed how she really felt about Iggy AZALEA during an interview with HOT 97. Please see the video below.

iggy azalea azealia banks

Why is all of this AZALEA/AZEALIA news surfacing now? Not only do the two women RAP, but both have very similar names which we must examine further. AZ is OZ, because vowels are interchangeable in code-cracking. Iggy AZ(OZ)alea is originally from AUS/OZtralia. Rearranging a few letters around, we get “AZAZEL” which means “sCAPeGOAT” in Hebrew. As mentioned by JusTIN Lyons in “The Kitchen Sync” group on Facebook, “OZ” (EZ/AZE/עֵז) means “GOAT” in Hebrew…particularly FEMALE GOAT.  OZ77. We’ll return to the “77” cipher/code momentarily…


AZAZEL is interpreted by most rabbis as a the rugged mountain CLIFF from which the sCAPeGOAT was cast down on Yom Kippur. Some argue that AZAZEL belongs to a class of GOAT-like demons roaming the desert, to which the Israelites gave sacrifice to.

Kitchen Sync

ע/AYIN = 70 and ז/Z<-(77)AYIN = 7. Both Hebrew characters contain the number 7 within them עז.

ALEA,” or “ALIYAH“, the second part of AZ-ALEA/AZ-EALIA‘s means “ascent” in Hebrew (עֲלִיָּה). It also means “lofty,” “ascended,” and “exalted.” This all ties in with the current astrological sign we are currently under–the CAPRICORN GOAT. Although the recent news about their beef came to light under the sign of SAGITTARIUS, it happened on the cusp as we were heading into the sign of the GOAT. The GOAT is known for being LOFTY or ASCENDing, as it travels up the CLIFF or MOUNTAIN. Also, both Iggy AZALEA and AZEALIA Banks are GEMINIs. GEMINI is represented by the TWINS, and the women are TWIN-like in that they are both RAPPERS who share the same name. GEMINI is also SAGITTARIUS‘ polar opposite in the zodiac.

R&B, pop, and HIP HOP singer, AALIYAH was a CAPRICORN. She was born on January 16, 1979, during the year of the HORSE bordering on the sign/year of the GOAT/SHEEP/RAM. AALIYAH was buried at FernCLIFF Cemetery. Some speculate that she was a sacrificial LAMB/GOAT for the elite, as she was killed in a mysterious plane crash.

Aaliyah Baphomet

Visually similar pictures…Was AALIYAH the “EXALTED GOAT” sacrificed by the elite or is that just a theory/rumor?

year of the sheep 2015

February 19, 2015 marks the start of the year of the SHEEP/GOAT/RAM.

More astrological syncs/codes:

Iggy AZALEA, A.K.A. [A]methyst [A]melia [K]elly (A=1; A=1; and K=11–>11:11; KA), was born during the year of the HORSE–the Chinese sign we are currently under. [A]ZEALIA [A]manda [B]anks was born during the year of the GOAT/RAM/SHEEP. Her initials (AAB/BA) form the sound a SHEEP makes. We are preparing to transition from the year of the HORSE into the year of the GOAT come February 19, 2015. Like LL Cool J, both women (AZALEA and AZEALIA) are battling to be the G.O.A.T.–The [G]reatest [O]f [A]ll [T]ime.

LL Cool J - The Greatest Of All Time

G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) is the eighth studio album by RAPPER LL Cool J. LL Cool J is a CAPRICORN GOAT, AND he was born the year of the GOAT/SHEEP/RAM.

THIS just in TODAY (12/29/14)! See photo below.

Azealia Banks goat

AZEALIA Banks was born the year of the GOAT. Here she resembles her archetype.

In recent news, Iggy AZALea was said to have given her boyfriend (L.A. Lakers player Nick Young) a BLUE CHÈVR[E]olet IMPALA for CHRISTMAS. “AZUL” in sPANish means “BLUE.” CHRISTMAS takes place under the sign of the CAPRICORN GOAT. As we learned from one of my previous posts, “CHÈVRE” means “GOAT in French, and an IMPALA comes from the same family as the GOAT

Iggy Azalea's Christmas gift to Nick Young

Iggy AZULea’s CHRISTMAS gift to Nick Young was a BLUE CHÈVR[E]olet IMPALA.

Nick Young 1962 Chevrolet Impala convertible


The IMPALA is a graceful animal that looks like a cross between a deer and a GOAT.

Get Up And GO-AT!

For more about the GOAT, read here.

The number 77:

Not only does the number 77 resemble the lightning bolt (ϟ), but it is also the letter Z when we arrange them in a certain pattern. The letter Z comes at the end of the alphabet, and we are approaching the end of 2014. Jason Barrera, of themaskofgod.blogspot.com, broke down the significance of the 7‘s in recent news. See photos below.

The Sydney siege and Manoora massacre in Queensland/down under sync up with the current beef gone viral between the AZALEA/AZEALIA‘s. As noted by some synchromystics, scenes from The Matrix were filmed across the street (53 Martin Place) from 52 MarTIN Place in Sydney, the same spot the Sydney siege went down. 52 Martin Place is where Channel 7 is located. There are 52 weeks in a year and this year (2014) is coming to an end.

77 Iggy Azalea

Iggy AZALEA sports the number 77! AZ/OZ = 77!

year of the sheep

There are 52 weeks in a year, and we are headed towards 2015.

AZALEAs are FLOWering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron. The AZALEA is the state wildFLOWer of GEORGIA. When Iggy AZALEA moved to the U.S., she spent a few years of her life residing in ATLANTA, GEORGIA. She was signed by ATLANTEAN (GEORGIA) RAPPER, T.I. FLOW is WOLF backwards, and we are approaching the full WOLF/FLOW moon come January 5th, 2015. SHEEP are terrorized by WOLVES, and a famous idiom of biblical origin is a “WOLF in SHEEP‘s clothing.”

azalea bush

Beautiful AZALEAs!

Azealia Banks

Full Wolf moon

The full WOLF/FLOW(ER) MOON occurs on MOONday, January 5, 2015.

a wolf in sheep's clothing

A WOLF in SHEEP‘s clothing.

The CHEVRON pattern is extremely popular at the moment, and has been since mid-summer. Below are some photos I snapped while at my local Target a few months ago.

chevron pattern

A CHEVRON-patterned crib sheet. CHÈVRE means GOAT in French.

chevron pattern

The CHEVRON pattern is on everything lately, from gift bags to crib covers, handbags, and dresses!

Everything is connected! 😉

***Original slides by SynchroMiss***

***Sync credit for the “777” code goes to Horselover Phat’s Subliminal-Synchro-Sphere***