2015: Capricorn, Goats, and Azaleas

The beef between Iggy AZALEA and AZEALIA Banks<–(13ANKHs) resurfaced about a week and a half ago. AZEALIA Banks expressed how she really felt about Iggy AZALEA during an interview with HOT 97. Please see the video below.

iggy azalea azealia banks

Why is all of this AZALEA/AZEALIA news surfacing now? Not only do the two women RAP, but both have very similar names which we must examine further. AZ is OZ, because vowels are interchangeable in code-cracking. Iggy AZ(OZ)alea is originally from AUS/OZtralia. Rearranging a few letters around, we get “AZAZEL” which means “sCAPeGOAT” in Hebrew. As mentioned by JusTIN Lyons in “The Kitchen Sync” group on Facebook, “OZ” (EZ/AZE/עֵז) means “GOAT” in Hebrew…particularly FEMALE GOAT.  OZ77. We’ll return to the “77” cipher/code momentarily…


AZAZEL is interpreted by most rabbis as a the rugged mountain CLIFF from which the sCAPeGOAT was cast down on Yom Kippur. Some argue that AZAZEL belongs to a class of GOAT-like demons roaming the desert, to which the Israelites gave sacrifice to.

Kitchen Sync

ע/AYIN = 70 and ז/Z<-(77)AYIN = 7. Both Hebrew characters contain the number 7 within them עז.

ALEA,” or “ALIYAH“, the second part of AZ-ALEA/AZ-EALIA‘s means “ascent” in Hebrew (עֲלִיָּה). It also means “lofty,” “ascended,” and “exalted.” This all ties in with the current astrological sign we are currently under–the CAPRICORN GOAT. Although the recent news about their beef came to light under the sign of SAGITTARIUS, it happened on the cusp as we were heading into the sign of the GOAT. The GOAT is known for being LOFTY or ASCENDing, as it travels up the CLIFF or MOUNTAIN. Also, both Iggy AZALEA and AZEALIA Banks are GEMINIs. GEMINI is represented by the TWINS, and the women are TWIN-like in that they are both RAPPERS who share the same name. GEMINI is also SAGITTARIUS‘ polar opposite in the zodiac.

R&B, pop, and HIP HOP singer, AALIYAH was a CAPRICORN. She was born on January 16, 1979, during the year of the HORSE bordering on the sign/year of the GOAT/SHEEP/RAM. AALIYAH was buried at FernCLIFF Cemetery. Some speculate that she was a sacrificial LAMB/GOAT for the elite, as she was killed in a mysterious plane crash.

Aaliyah Baphomet

Visually similar pictures…Was AALIYAH the “EXALTED GOAT” sacrificed by the elite or is that just a theory/rumor?

year of the sheep 2015

February 19, 2015 marks the start of the year of the SHEEP/GOAT/RAM.

More astrological syncs/codes:

Iggy AZALEA, A.K.A. [A]methyst [A]melia [K]elly (A=1; A=1; and K=11–>11:11; KA), was born during the year of the HORSE–the Chinese sign we are currently under. [A]ZEALIA [A]manda [B]anks was born during the year of the GOAT/RAM/SHEEP. Her initials (AAB/BA) form the sound a SHEEP makes. We are preparing to transition from the year of the HORSE into the year of the GOAT come February 19, 2015. Like LL Cool J, both women (AZALEA and AZEALIA) are battling to be the G.O.A.T.–The [G]reatest [O]f [A]ll [T]ime.

LL Cool J - The Greatest Of All Time

G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) is the eighth studio album by RAPPER LL Cool J. LL Cool J is a CAPRICORN GOAT, AND he was born the year of the GOAT/SHEEP/RAM.

THIS just in TODAY (12/29/14)! See photo below.

Azealia Banks goat

AZEALIA Banks was born the year of the GOAT. Here she resembles her archetype.

In recent news, Iggy AZALea was said to have given her boyfriend (L.A. Lakers player Nick Young) a BLUE CHÈVR[E]olet IMPALA for CHRISTMAS. “AZUL” in sPANish means “BLUE.” CHRISTMAS takes place under the sign of the CAPRICORN GOAT. As we learned from one of my previous posts, “CHÈVRE” means “GOAT in French, and an IMPALA comes from the same family as the GOAT

Iggy Azalea's Christmas gift to Nick Young

Iggy AZULea’s CHRISTMAS gift to Nick Young was a BLUE CHÈVR[E]olet IMPALA.

Nick Young 1962 Chevrolet Impala convertible


The IMPALA is a graceful animal that looks like a cross between a deer and a GOAT.

Get Up And GO-AT!

For more about the GOAT, read here.

The number 77:

Not only does the number 77 resemble the lightning bolt (ϟ), but it is also the letter Z when we arrange them in a certain pattern. The letter Z comes at the end of the alphabet, and we are approaching the end of 2014. Jason Barrera, of themaskofgod.blogspot.com, broke down the significance of the 7‘s in recent news. See photos below.

The Sydney siege and Manoora massacre in Queensland/down under sync up with the current beef gone viral between the AZALEA/AZEALIA‘s. As noted by some synchromystics, scenes from The Matrix were filmed across the street (53 Martin Place) from 52 MarTIN Place in Sydney, the same spot the Sydney siege went down. 52 Martin Place is where Channel 7 is located. There are 52 weeks in a year and this year (2014) is coming to an end.

77 Iggy Azalea

Iggy AZALEA sports the number 77! AZ/OZ = 77!

year of the sheep

There are 52 weeks in a year, and we are headed towards 2015.

AZALEAs are FLOWering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron. The AZALEA is the state wildFLOWer of GEORGIA. When Iggy AZALEA moved to the U.S., she spent a few years of her life residing in ATLANTA, GEORGIA. She was signed by ATLANTEAN (GEORGIA) RAPPER, T.I. FLOW is WOLF backwards, and we are approaching the full WOLF/FLOW moon come January 5th, 2015. SHEEP are terrorized by WOLVES, and a famous idiom of biblical origin is a “WOLF in SHEEP‘s clothing.”

azalea bush

Beautiful AZALEAs!

Azealia Banks

Full Wolf moon

The full WOLF/FLOW(ER) MOON occurs on MOONday, January 5, 2015.

a wolf in sheep's clothing

A WOLF in SHEEP‘s clothing.

The CHEVRON pattern is extremely popular at the moment, and has been since mid-summer. Below are some photos I snapped while at my local Target a few months ago.

chevron pattern

A CHEVRON-patterned crib sheet. CHÈVRE means GOAT in French.

chevron pattern

The CHEVRON pattern is on everything lately, from gift bags to crib covers, handbags, and dresses!

Everything is connected! 😉

***Original slides by SynchroMiss***

***Sync credit for the “777” code goes to Horselover Phat’s Subliminal-Synchro-Sphere***

I’m in Love with the COCO[a]: More Black/White Duality

For me, it all started when a snarky status was posted by a friend on social media about the nonsensical (or so it seems) recent track, “CoCo” by O.T. Gena[I]SIS. The song (if you want to call it that), features a CHOCOLATE-colored (BLACK) man rapping about (WHITE) COCaine. See below for the music video.

This song/video encodes the theme of duality because we have the BLACK (CHOCOLATE) man rapping about WHITE COCaine. Relatively new to the mainstream, the featured genre of music is known as “tRAP.” Most tRAP is LOW-vibrational music. This is pretty fitting, as it “tRAPs” one in a LOWer vibration. It is very blatant in some of the lyrics (I got it for the LOW, LOW).

If you want a good laugh, check out the parody below in which two guys poke fun at the COCO song and turn it into CHOCOLATE references.

So all of this CHOCOLATE syncs up with the recent news story that allegedly took place in SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA‘s LINdT (CHOCOLATE) CAFÉ on MarTIN place. Supposedly, a MUSLIM gunman took some people hostage. The MUSLIM terrorist syncs up with the name O.T. Gena[I]SIS, as the name “ISIS” is encoded in his name. ISIS, as many already know, is the name of the radical terrorist group that started making news headlines earlier this summer.

ISIS terrorist org

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, a.k.a. ISIS.

Lindt Cafe SydneyThe SIEGE, or hostage situation, which took place in SYDNEY was foreshadowed on an episode of LOST entitled “The Greater Good” (Season 1).  May 4th (5.4/54) is when this particular episode aired. Using simple gematria, SIEGE = 45. 45 is a reversed 54. In this particular episode, Sayid is involved in FOILing (TIN FOIL) a terrorist plot in SYDNEY.

The Greater Good LOST

Sayid (from LOST) is taken in by the AUthorities from CIA’s branch [I].S.I.S.

The Greater Good LOSTThe Greater Good LOST

The Greater Good LOST

Mr. Hewitt shows Sayid a photo of the man who is a member of the terrorist group, and that he also attended KARA University with.

Upon Googling “KARA University,” my results lead me to yet another CHOCOLATE sync–KARA CHOCOLATEs.

Kara ChocolatesThe Greater Good LOSTThe Greater Good LOSTTRAP/RAP becomes the word RAPE when we add an “E” to the end of it. RAPE then connects to Bill Cosby, the comedian who was recently accused of RAPing many women. Bill Cosby used to promote JELL-O Pudding Pops (the CHOCOLATE/BLACK or VANILLA/WHITE FROZEN popsicles). Both Bill Cosby and O.T. Gena[I]SIS resonate the Jupiter character, the TIN man, because TIN is Jupiter’s metal. The TIN Man leads us back to OZ (AUSTRALIA). BLACK and WHITE duality is the major theme presenting itself in most of these recent news stories, e.g. the Ferguson riots (Michael BROWN), and the Eric Garner case. Eric Garner wasn’t doing COKE, but he was ChOKEd.jello-pudding-pops-bill-cosby

tin man

The TIN Man of OZ.

SNOW” is a slang term for COCaine, and President SNOW is the infamous president of the CaPitol in the popular Hunger Games films. In order to build FROSTY (the SNOWman), we need SNOW. In the winter, we wear SWEATERS to keep us warm. What do SWEATERS produce over time?…LINT, leading us back to the LINdT CHOCOLATE CAFÉ. The LINdT CAFÉ leads us back to AUSTRALIA, where SHEEP are raised. The SHEEP help produce wool SWEATERS.


President Snow

It’s pretty obvious, but not only does President SNOW resemBULL Zeus, but he also resemBULLs Santa Claus.

wool sweater


lint sweater

LINT forms on SWEATERS over time.


We use the wool from SHEEP to produce SWEATERS.

UGG boots, accessories, and clothing (or UGGS), originated in Australia. Their products are made of SHEEPSKIN(SYNC) fleece that derives from our friend the SHEEP. UGG = 21.7.7 (U=2x1=2; G=7; G=7). These numbers sync up with “[T]he [G]reater [G]ood” episode of LOST, because T=2Ø, or 2, G=7, and G=7. Bill Cosby used to sport COogi SWEATERS back in the day. COogi SWEATERS also originated in AUSTRALIA.

Ugg Australia

UGG is famous for their SHEEPskin boots!

Cooji sweaters Bill Cosby

COogi SWEATERS originated in AUSTRALIA.

Adding onto all of that with even more AUSTRALIA/OZ syncs is where the LINdT hostage incident took place–SYDNEY. SYDNEY is a scRAM-BULLed DISNEY. DISNEY is the company that produced the popular film FROZEN.



People drink hot COCO[a] in the winter in order to keep warm. CHOCOLATE is a popular gift at Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, FROSTY the SNOWman sports a CORN COB Pipe. The CORN COB Pipe leads us back to Christmas, as the holiday is celebrated under the sign of CAPriCORN. Leonardo DiCAPrio is featured in many movies that are released under the sign of the CAPriCORN GOAT.


Hot COCO[a] or CHOCOLATE is a popular wintertime beverage.

Frosty the Snowman

FROSTY the SNOWman sports a CORN COB Pipe!


CAPriCORN is represented by the GOATPAN.

Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo DiCAPrio stars in many films that come out under the sign of the CAPricorn GOAT, and the Sagittarius archer.

The CAPriCORN GOAT and the AUSTRALIAN SHEEP are symbolic as we are leading up to the Chinese year of the SHEEP/GOAT/RAM (2015).

year of the sheep 2015

COca-COla features a special marketing campaign at Christmas time that centers around polar bears, which are WHITE. COca-COla appears to be BLACK in color.Coca-Cola polar bearsBack to the LINdT CHOCOLATE CAFÉ. They not only serve COFFEE there, but they also offer COFFEE-flavored CHOCOLATEs. Also, COFFEE in SPANish is CAFÉ. COFFEE is BROWN, or BLACK in color, depending on whether we add cream (WHITE) to it. Finally, CAFÉ is an anagram for FACE, and FACEbook is where I originally heard about the COCO song and the LINdT CAFÉ hostage situation.

Lindt coffee chocolate


CAFÉ is COFFEE in sPANish.

Everything is connected! 😉


Where do I start?… BEAR with me, if you will. BEARS have been popping up in the synchroverse, as well as my personal reality … so, here we go…

The documentary BEARS hit theatres this APRIL. This film is a DISNEY<–(**Save this for later**) [Pi]cture and STRS narrator and Jesus CHRIST resonator John C. Reilly. It was released just TWO days beFO[U]Re 4/20/14, Easter Day–a celebration of the resur[E]RECTION<–(**Save this for later**) of CHRIST. In the movie poster below, take notice how URSA MAJOR (Latin for “Larger BEAR” and a.k.a. the “Great BEAR“) is cuddling URSA MINOR (Latin for “Smaller BEAR” and a.k.a. the “Little BEAR“).

Bears Movie

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor team up in the documentary “Bears.”

URSA MINOR make up the STRS that form the Little Dipper (LD = 124 –> 2014). URSA MAJOR make up the STRS that form the Big Dipper (BD = 24 —> 2014). URSA MAJOR can best be seen throughout the month of APRIL.

Ursa Major Ursa Minor Polaris

“Great BEAR” and “Little BEAR,” Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

T = 20 and D = 4 —> 2014T+D = T[E]D —> TEDDY BEAR. “TEDDY” is the name of Zac Efron’s character in the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. “TEDDY” is the PRESIDENT of the fraternity (Latin FRATER: “BROTHER“). A “BAYER designation” is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a GREEK letter (e.g. ALPHA (α), BETA (β)PSI (ψ), DELTA (δ) ).The name of the FRATERnity in the movie NEIGHBORS is DELTA PSI BETA. We’ll return to more BAYER momentarily…

Zac Efron Teddy Sanders Neighbors Movie

NEIGHBORS stars Zac Efron as “TEDDY Sanders.” “TEDDY” is drinking a BEE[A]R.

Disneynature Bears

T = 20 and D = 4 —> 2014. T+D = T[E]D —> TEDDY BEAR

bayer aspirin

BAYER is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. It’s well known for its original form of as(Pi)rin. BAYER was made to help with HEADaches. We just left the sign of Aries, the RAM, who rules the HEAD.

Teddy Grahams

TEDDY gRahAMs are BEAR-shaped graham cracker cookies. The BEARS documentary hit theaters under the sign of the Aries RAM.

I recently watched the movie The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.The plot involves the demolition of EARTH (HEART). The main character’s name is Arthur Dent ([E]ARTHur). In the final radio series for BBC, actress Samantha BÉARt plays the role of Arthur’s (HEART‘s) daughter. BÉARrhymes with HEART which is a scRAM-BULLed EARTH. Arthur must open his HEART for “Tricia” or “Trillian.” In the beginning of the movie, they are seen drinking BEE[A]R. In the movie poster above, EARTH Day is mentioned, as the film BEARS was released just days before (4/22/14). 

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is written by Douglas Adams. The main character's name is Arthur Dent.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is written by Douglas Adams. The main character’s name is Arthur Dent.


URSA MINOR ALPHA and URSA MINOR BEtA (BAE-ta) are places in Douglas Adams’s science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. (**Save the BAE for later**). In the movie, Zaphod Beeblebrox of BETELGEUSE<–(**Save this for later with the BAE**) is PRESIDENT of the galaxy. Merchandise items ( a.k.a.”Hitch-Hikeriana”) from the series were produced in the 1980’s called BeebleBEARS. These were TEDDY BEARS made to resemble character Zaphod Beeblebrox with an extra HEAD or ARM<–(The (Aries) RAM rules the HEAD). Adams also created a character (named Fenchurch) after PADDINGTON(BEAR)<–(**Save this for later**) Station.



Love-A-Lot Bear

“Lve-a-Lot”  is a [Pi]nk Care BEAR from the 1980’s. She features two HEARTS on her belly.

Going back to last year’s (2013) VMA’s, MILEY CYRUS (OCyrus/OSIRIS) was dancing on stage with BEARS and wearing a BEAR leotard. She also dances in a BEAR getup with others in her “We Can’t Stop” video. At the VMA’s she twerks on stage with Robin Thicke, dressed as character “Beetlejuice,” which is code for the star BETELGEUSE. BETELGEUSE is known by its BAYER designation, “ALPHA Orionis.” MILEY CYRUS has a new song out with Pharrell titled “Come Get It BAE“(BEAr).

Miley Cyrus Beetlejuice Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse, Beetlejuice, Miley and BEARS, and a BAYER designation.

POLARis is the brightest star in the constellation URSA MINOR (“Little BEAR“). It’s otherwise known as “the NORTH STR“<–(**Save this for later**). Like URSA MAJOR, the tail of the LITTLE BEAR is what help make up the LADEL of the LITTLE DIPPER. A POLAR BEAR is a type of BEAR. If a POLAR BEAR doesn’t get enough SUN, does he then become bipolar (Pi-bolar)?? 😛 The story of The Three BEARS starts off with a GREAT BEAR, a medium-sized BEAR, and a LITTLE BEAR eating porridge. Porridge is served in bowls with LADELs.

Ursa Minor

The handle or LADEL of the LITTLE DIPPER. POLARis is the brightest STR in the constellation URSA MINOR. POLARIS is a.k.a. the NORTH STR.

I saw this (QU)wACKy show once featuring a character named “Bi-POLAR BEAR.” (**video below**)

The Three BEARS eat porridge with LADELs.

The Three BEARS eat porridge with LADELs.

Arcturus synchromystically ties in with BEARS. It’s the brightest STR in the constellation BOOTeS. Its name derives from the Ancient Greek Arktouros and means “Guardian of the BEAR. It forms the left foot of BOOTeS which NEIGHBORS the Greater and Lesser BEARS, URSA MAJOR and URSA MINOR. ARC+TAURUS. We are currently under the sign of the bull–TAURUS. BEARS = B  EARS or Be (The) EARS…listen…TAURUS rules the EARS. A RAINbow bends at an ARC of 42°When it RAINs, we wear BOOTS. PADDINGTON BEAR wore yellow RAIN BOOTS.

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Bootes, and Arcturus synchromystically resonate BEARS.

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Bootes, and Arcturus synchromystically resonate BEARS.


PADDINGTON BEAR. I used to own this same BEAR growing up. His yellow BOOTS and hat represent the sun, that brings out the (Jupiter) RAINbow when the rain washes away.

PADDINGTON BEAR. I used to own this same BEAR growing up. His yellow BOOTS and hat represent the SUN, that brings out the (Jupiter) RAINbow when the RAIN washes away.

In recent news, rapper Andre JOHNSON of the group NORTHSTR used a knife to slice off his genitalia<–(STICK<– **Save this for later**). JOHNSON raps under the name “CHRIST BEARer.” John WAYNE Bobbitt also had his genitalia severed by [L]orena [B]obbitt years ago. LB = 12 + 2 = 14. OSIRIS was chopped up into 14 (Pi)eces. We just celebrated Easter, which is a holiday celebrating the resur[E]RECTION of CHRIST. JOHNSON castrates himself just a couple of days before the holiday. CHRIST is the same archetype as OSIRIS. OSIRIS was (Pi)eced back together so he could make Horus. One needs their “JOHNSON” to have an ERECTION in order to make children. URSA MAJOR is a.k.a. “Charles’ WAIN…bringing us back to John WAYNE Bobbitt.

Andre Johnson RAps under the name CHRIST BEARer. He severed off his penis with a knife this month.

Andre JOHNSON is part of the group NORTHSTR and RAps under the name CHRIST BEARer. He severed off his JOHNSON with a knife this month.

ROSE Byrne also stars in the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. She channels her alter ego “Mama BEAR.” (See 1:57 in the clip below) TEDDY ROoSEvelt was a former U.S. PRESIDENT. His famous slogan was “Speak softly and carry a big STICK.” What did TEDDY really mean when he UTTERed these words? 😉  

TEDDY Roosevelt's famous quote...SchTICK around to see how "STICK" connects in the next ShTICK.

TEDDY Roosevelt’s famous quote…STICK around to see how “STICK” connects in the next SchTICK. He is a former U.S. PRESIDENT.

[B]ROTHER [B]EAR (BB=22) is a 2003 DISNEY film. This syncs up with the BROTHER theme in the OSIRIS/Set myth and the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. TEDDY is a BROTHER in the FRATERnity.

Brother Bear

It’s not the original “[D]a [B]ears” skit and cast, but the video is still pretty funny below. DB=42. [C]hicago [B]ears—>CB = 32. [C]are [B]ears—>CB = 32. MILEY CYRUS danced with BEARS and has a song titled “23.”

Portlandia characters Peter and Nance are owners of a [B]ed and [B]reakfast (BB=22). In season three, ePisode eight (“Soft Opening“) they invite some residents of Portland (their NEIGHBORS) to a soft opening for their B & B. ROSE Byrne makes an appearance as Fred’s girlfriend. (Fred Armisen plays the role of Peter) ROSE Byrne is also in the upcoming film BROTHER‘s Keeper. Byrne is from SYDNEY, which is a scRAM-BULLed DISNEY. Peter and Nance decorate the B & B with TEDDY BEARS.

ROSE Byrne plays "Fred's girlfriend" on Portlandia. BROTHER's Keeper will be theaters sometime this year. She is from SYDNEY (DISNEY).

ROSE Byrne plays Fred’s girlfriend on Portlandia. BROTHER‘s Keeper will be in theaters sometime this year. She is from SYDNEY (DISNEY).

BEARS in Portlandia! (season 3, ePisode 6)

BEARS in Portlandia! (season 3, ePisode 6)

“Peter” and “Nance’s” B & B is decorated with BEARS and ROSEs.

Peter and Nance’s B & B is decorated with BEARS and ROSEs. ROSE Byrne makes an appearance as Fred’s girlfriend.

I recently read some [B]erenstain [B]EARS‘ books to a couple children I babysit, totally unrelated to one another. I also watched the [B]erenstain [B]EARS cartoon with one of the children (BB=22). On that same day, we also happened to catch an e(Pi)sode of Peppa (Pi)g called “TEDDY‘s Day Out.”

This is one of the books I read to the girl I babysit for.

This is one of the books I read to the girl I babysit for.

This is the other book I read to the boy I babysit for.

This is the other book I read to the boy I babysit for.

I mentioned in one of my most recent posts, that my niece visited a Build-A-BEAR workshop.


Lately, I’ve been writing (more than usual) on friend’s Facebook timelines for their BEARTHdays …”Ha(Pi) bEARTHday!” The day before I started writing this post, KATY PERRY released the video for her new single “Birthday.”

Zooey Deschanel (left) of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and KATY PERRY are clones of one another.

Zooey Deschanel (left) of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and KATY PERRY (right) are clones of one another.

Have you ever seen a TEDDY BEAR in a TEDDY? … Neither have I…until now. 😛

teddy in a teddy lingerie



bear eating berries

***All (R)ORiginal slides by SynchroMiss***

***Click on the hyperlinks to follow along in the st(R)ORY of sync/s!***

***Many thanks to Roobeedoo and Central Scrutinizer at the Synchromysticism Forum for HIP(PHI)(Pi)ng me to the Andre Johnson news, John WAYNE Bobbitt/Lorena Bobbitt tie in, and Arcturus connection!!!***

****UPDATE: 4/28/14****

I stumbled upon this article today. Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall  are set to meet “HUDSON” the POLAR BEAR in WINNIpEg, Canada next month.

HUDSON, the POLAR BEAR that Prince Charles and Camilla will meet next month. HUDSON is KATY PERRY's real last name.

HUDSON,” the POLAR BEAR that Prince Charles and Camilla will meet next month. HUDSON is KATY PERRY‘s real last name.

WINNIE-the-Pooh is from WINNIpEg!

WINNIE-the-Pooh is from WINNIpEg!