The QUESTION is, What’s up with LEO?!

So why did the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark put down four lions on MOONday (3.24.14)? This is the SAME zoo that killed Marius, the giraffe, and fed him to those SAME lions. Here is the story.

Let’s decode Denmark = de/Pi<–(flip the “d” to a “p“); NM = Pi (middle of the alphabet); ARK = the ARK of the covenant, Noah’s ARK or the ZO(O)diac. Denmark contains several Pi codes, especially in the MIDDLE (NM) of the word…Denmark is in the MIDDLE of nowhere! 

Copenhagen, Denmark

MARiuS = MARS (RAMS) + ARIES. We just entered the astrological sign of Aries.

Marius is a crater on the MOOn. Marius = MARS + ARIES.

Marius is a crater on the MOON. Marius = MARS + ARIES.


From Wikipedia: “The word camelopardalis comes from Latin, and it is the romanisation of the Greek “καμηλοπάρδαλις” meaning “giraffe”, from “κάμηλος” (kamēlos), “camel” “πάρδαλις” (pardalis), “LEOpard”, due to its having a long neck like a camel and spots like a LEOpard.”

The constellation LEO is visible throughout the night sky in the Northern hemisphere around the spring equinox.–>(EQUINE + OX = The year of the HORSE + bull/EARTH energy). (Equinox also means the LOVE<–HEART – XO/OX of HORSEs…’tis the year of the HORSE). Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation LEO. It’s known as “the HEART(EARTH) of LEO.” LEO rules the HEART. The HEART is a regulating mechanism for the body, and thus we have Re(RA-the SUN)gulus.

Erigone Regulus

“Illustration showing asteroid 163 EriGONe about to cover Leo’s brightest star Regulus around 2:07 Eastern Daylight Time Thursday morning March 20, 2014. As the asteroid’s shadow passes over the ground, observers will see Regulus briefly disappear.”

March 20, 2014 marked the beginning of the spring equinox and the start of Aries, the ram. 32/23 is code for MARch 20th and the start of spring. 23 = W in the alphabet, which becomes M when flipped upside-down. M syncs back to MARs, the Aries RAM. M/W will also become the number when morphed. The spring equinox begins during the 3rd month (MARch).


Aries, a FIRE sign, is ruled by the RAM and the planet MARs. The color associated with the RAM is RED. MARs is the RED planet.

Regulus Sickle Erigone

Regulus can be found marking the bottom of a backwards QUESTION mark pattern within Leo, known as “the sickle.” The sickle, with Regulus at its HEART, outlines the constellation Leo, the Lion’s head and forequarters.

constellation Leo

The constellation LEO, with the star Regulus at its HEART.

The name Regulus is from the diminutive form of the Latin “REX“, and means “Little King.” Known by astronomers as Alpha Leonis, Regulus has been known in the past, simply as REX, as well as by KINGly names in other languages. This syncs back to my personal reality because my name is Rory EXton, and a nickname given to me a few years back was “REX.” My first name also means “RED KING.” MARS is the RED planet. My middle name is also RU(E)ssian (Sonya) and associated with the color RED (RED Sonja).

Harold RAMis (“EGON” of the Ghostbusters films) transitions about a month prior to the constellation LEO and reG(HO)ULus making their appearance in the night sky.             EGON = EriGONe. EGON Spengler busted ghouls (ghosts) in NEW YORK.

Harold RAMis, a.k.a. EGON Spengler of the Ghostbusters.

Harold RAMis, a.k.a. EGON SpENG/(ANG)ler of the Ghostbusters. EGON (GONE), but not forGOttEN

The Wolf of Wall Street, starring LEOnardo Dicaprio, Veronica MARS and The LEgO Movie are all showing in theatres now! Veronica MARS‘ (RAMS) release date was Pi day (3.14.14), leading up to the astrological sign of the RAM.

The Wolf of Wall Street Veronica Mars The Lego Movie

All three movies synchromystically tie together.

The paleo diet is all the rage/fad at the moment. Paleo = PALE + LEO. PA = father/dad energy + LEO, who is the sun/son and the king of the jungle. Are you “paleos” getting enough sun in your diets? That is the QUESTION

Dr. OZ (ZOO) is ALL about the paleo/PALE LEO diet!

lion king

RAgulus, the HEART of the LION KING.

Everything is connected! 😉

***Original slide by SynchroMiss***


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