Bill Cosby’s Pooh Pop

Well, it all started with Bill Cosby, who in recent news is rumored to have SEXually assaulted many women years ago. These accusations facing The Cosby Show star all occurred under the astrological sign of ScorPio, which we just transitioned out of. In my last post, I explained how ScorPio rules the SEX organs and SEXuality.

From the above source:

“Moritz — who also played a cop in Cheech and Chong’s “Up in Smoke” — says Cosby “suddenly approached me and took out his penis, which was now in the line of my face [she’s 5’0″] and pressed up against it.”

She goes on, “He took his hands and put them on the back of my head and forced his penis in my mouth, saying, ‘Have a taste of this. It will do you good in so many ways.'”

Funny Bill Cosby meme

Funny meme gone viral…A PUddin (PUtin) Pop.

The Cosby Show

The Cosby Show starred BILL (BULL) Cosby as CLIFF (KNOW(the)LEDGE/CLIFF) HUX(HEX)taBULL. The BULL (Taurus) is ScorPio’s polar opposite in the zodiac.

In other recent news, people in Poland have a serious/(Sirius) problem with Winnie the Pooh. According to some in the Polish town of Tuszyn (2 sun/s?), they have nixed the popular bear as a possible mascot for their playground due to his dubious SEXuality.

“Later, a town official named Hanna Jachimska added: “This is very disturbing but can you imagine! The author was over 60 and cut his [Pooh’s] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity.” And yet another pointed out: “It doesn’t wear underPANts because it doesn’t have a SEX. It’s a hermaphrodite.”

winnie the pooh bees

Cause Bee (COSBY)!


The HUX is the HEX. BILL (BULL )CosBEE as Cliff (HUX)taBULL. The BEE resides in the (HEX)agonal structure, otherwise known as the honeycomb. Dr. HUXtaBULL was an OB/GYN, not THE RAPIST! Te he! 😛

Bill Cosby was famous for wearing COOJI sweaters on The Cosby Show. COOJI sounds like COOCHI. Cosby's character (Cliff Huxtable) was an OB/GYN.

Bill Cosby was famous for wearing COOJI sweaters on The Cosby Show. COOJI sounds like COOCHIE, which is a slang term for the vagina. Cosby’s character (Cliff Huxtable) was an OB/GYN.

The Winnie the Pooh story surfaced right at the transition of ScorPio (who rules the SEX organs) into Sagittarius (yesterday–November 22nd). He wears no PANts. PAN is another name for the god Jupiter, who rules the sign of Sagittarius.

If we examine the above images, we will see that Pooh is obviously a representation of the sun. He bears the fiery colors of red, orange, and yellow.  Symbolically, Pooh is following a parallel path with our sun because he is being brought down (as above, so below). You might be wondering why this is transPiring in a random place such as POLand. POLand is symbolically representative not only of the two POLes of the Earth, which the sun moves toward, but also the two SEXes of male and female.

Jupiter Zeus Pan Pi


Pooh sounds like poo, bringing us back to the booty/butt, and what I wrote about in my previous post, “Sex, Scorpio, Voting, and 11:11.” In order to cover up our booties/butts, we must wear PANts!

All of this syncs up with a previous post I wrote back in June, under the sign of the Gemini twins. Gemini, synchronistically, is Sagittarius‘ polar opposite in the zodiac.

Vladimir PUtin (POOH-TIN) says he won’t be president forever. VP is the P…resident of Russia. The BEAR has long been a Russian symbol for national pride. This syncs up nicely with the current Pooh news.

Vladimir Putin says he won't be president forever

POOH-TIN will not be Russia’s (BEAR) president forever! Source.

The U.S.S.R. is the URSa, as in URSa Major (“the Great BEAR“), and URSa Minor (“the Little BEAR“). ScRAM-BULLing the letters in U.S.S.R. and URSa = the ARSE (butt/booty).

russian bear

Former District of Columbia mayor<–(MARE/HORSE) MAR[E]ion Barry (BEAR-y) transitioned today. He passed at age 78, and under the sign of Sagittarius–half-HORSE/half-man. 1978 was the Chinese year of the HORSE. (This was also the year I was born) 😉 In 1990, his celebrity transformed into international notoriety, when he was videotaped smoking CRACK cocaine and arrested by FBI officials on drug charges. The CRACK leads us back to the booty/butt and the Poohtin. 1990 was also synchronistically the year of the HORSE.

Sagittarius, the "archer," is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR.

Sagittarius, the “archer,” is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR.

To top all of this off, the theme of SEX continues, as it was Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) the other day (November 20th). The TDoR is the culmination of Transgender Awareness Week, which all started November 12th. Again, this all falls under the sign of ScorPio who rules the SEX organs.


Everything is connected! 🙂

***SYNC UPDATE 11/25/14!!!***

“Three grandmas smoke weed (POT) for the first time.” Where do we POOH?…In the POT! The POT is the PAN! 😛


Where do I start?… BEAR with me, if you will. BEARS have been popping up in the synchroverse, as well as my personal reality … so, here we go…

The documentary BEARS hit theatres this APRIL. This film is a DISNEY<–(**Save this for later**) [Pi]cture and STRS narrator and Jesus CHRIST resonator John C. Reilly. It was released just TWO days beFO[U]Re 4/20/14, Easter Day–a celebration of the resur[E]RECTION<–(**Save this for later**) of CHRIST. In the movie poster below, take notice how URSA MAJOR (Latin for “Larger BEAR” and a.k.a. the “Great BEAR“) is cuddling URSA MINOR (Latin for “Smaller BEAR” and a.k.a. the “Little BEAR“).

Bears Movie

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor team up in the documentary “Bears.”

URSA MINOR make up the STRS that form the Little Dipper (LD = 124 –> 2014). URSA MAJOR make up the STRS that form the Big Dipper (BD = 24 —> 2014). URSA MAJOR can best be seen throughout the month of APRIL.

Ursa Major Ursa Minor Polaris

“Great BEAR” and “Little BEAR,” Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

T = 20 and D = 4 —> 2014T+D = T[E]D —> TEDDY BEAR. “TEDDY” is the name of Zac Efron’s character in the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. “TEDDY” is the PRESIDENT of the fraternity (Latin FRATER: “BROTHER“). A “BAYER designation” is a stellar designation in which a specific star is identified by a GREEK letter (e.g. ALPHA (α), BETA (β)PSI (ψ), DELTA (δ) ).The name of the FRATERnity in the movie NEIGHBORS is DELTA PSI BETA. We’ll return to more BAYER momentarily…

Zac Efron Teddy Sanders Neighbors Movie

NEIGHBORS stars Zac Efron as “TEDDY Sanders.” “TEDDY” is drinking a BEE[A]R.

Disneynature Bears

T = 20 and D = 4 —> 2014. T+D = T[E]D —> TEDDY BEAR

bayer aspirin

BAYER is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. It’s well known for its original form of as(Pi)rin. BAYER was made to help with HEADaches. We just left the sign of Aries, the RAM, who rules the HEAD.

Teddy Grahams

TEDDY gRahAMs are BEAR-shaped graham cracker cookies. The BEARS documentary hit theaters under the sign of the Aries RAM.

I recently watched the movie The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.The plot involves the demolition of EARTH (HEART). The main character’s name is Arthur Dent ([E]ARTHur). In the final radio series for BBC, actress Samantha BÉARt plays the role of Arthur’s (HEART‘s) daughter. BÉARrhymes with HEART which is a scRAM-BULLed EARTH. Arthur must open his HEART for “Tricia” or “Trillian.” In the beginning of the movie, they are seen drinking BEE[A]R. In the movie poster above, EARTH Day is mentioned, as the film BEARS was released just days before (4/22/14). 

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is written by Douglas Adams. The main character's name is Arthur Dent.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is written by Douglas Adams. The main character’s name is Arthur Dent.


URSA MINOR ALPHA and URSA MINOR BEtA (BAE-ta) are places in Douglas Adams’s science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. (**Save the BAE for later**). In the movie, Zaphod Beeblebrox of BETELGEUSE<–(**Save this for later with the BAE**) is PRESIDENT of the galaxy. Merchandise items ( a.k.a.”Hitch-Hikeriana”) from the series were produced in the 1980’s called BeebleBEARS. These were TEDDY BEARS made to resemble character Zaphod Beeblebrox with an extra HEAD or ARM<–(The (Aries) RAM rules the HEAD). Adams also created a character (named Fenchurch) after PADDINGTON(BEAR)<–(**Save this for later**) Station.



Love-A-Lot Bear

“Lve-a-Lot”  is a [Pi]nk Care BEAR from the 1980’s. She features two HEARTS on her belly.

Going back to last year’s (2013) VMA’s, MILEY CYRUS (OCyrus/OSIRIS) was dancing on stage with BEARS and wearing a BEAR leotard. She also dances in a BEAR getup with others in her “We Can’t Stop” video. At the VMA’s she twerks on stage with Robin Thicke, dressed as character “Beetlejuice,” which is code for the star BETELGEUSE. BETELGEUSE is known by its BAYER designation, “ALPHA Orionis.” MILEY CYRUS has a new song out with Pharrell titled “Come Get It BAE“(BEAr).

Miley Cyrus Beetlejuice Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse, Beetlejuice, Miley and BEARS, and a BAYER designation.

POLARis is the brightest star in the constellation URSA MINOR (“Little BEAR“). It’s otherwise known as “the NORTH STR“<–(**Save this for later**). Like URSA MAJOR, the tail of the LITTLE BEAR is what help make up the LADEL of the LITTLE DIPPER. A POLAR BEAR is a type of BEAR. If a POLAR BEAR doesn’t get enough SUN, does he then become bipolar (Pi-bolar)?? 😛 The story of The Three BEARS starts off with a GREAT BEAR, a medium-sized BEAR, and a LITTLE BEAR eating porridge. Porridge is served in bowls with LADELs.

Ursa Minor

The handle or LADEL of the LITTLE DIPPER. POLARis is the brightest STR in the constellation URSA MINOR. POLARIS is a.k.a. the NORTH STR.

I saw this (QU)wACKy show once featuring a character named “Bi-POLAR BEAR.” (**video below**)

The Three BEARS eat porridge with LADELs.

The Three BEARS eat porridge with LADELs.

Arcturus synchromystically ties in with BEARS. It’s the brightest STR in the constellation BOOTeS. Its name derives from the Ancient Greek Arktouros and means “Guardian of the BEAR. It forms the left foot of BOOTeS which NEIGHBORS the Greater and Lesser BEARS, URSA MAJOR and URSA MINOR. ARC+TAURUS. We are currently under the sign of the bull–TAURUS. BEARS = B  EARS or Be (The) EARS…listen…TAURUS rules the EARS. A RAINbow bends at an ARC of 42°When it RAINs, we wear BOOTS. PADDINGTON BEAR wore yellow RAIN BOOTS.

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Bootes, and Arcturus synchromystically resonate BEARS.

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Bootes, and Arcturus synchromystically resonate BEARS.


PADDINGTON BEAR. I used to own this same BEAR growing up. His yellow BOOTS and hat represent the sun, that brings out the (Jupiter) RAINbow when the rain washes away.

PADDINGTON BEAR. I used to own this same BEAR growing up. His yellow BOOTS and hat represent the SUN, that brings out the (Jupiter) RAINbow when the RAIN washes away.

In recent news, rapper Andre JOHNSON of the group NORTHSTR used a knife to slice off his genitalia<–(STICK<– **Save this for later**). JOHNSON raps under the name “CHRIST BEARer.” John WAYNE Bobbitt also had his genitalia severed by [L]orena [B]obbitt years ago. LB = 12 + 2 = 14. OSIRIS was chopped up into 14 (Pi)eces. We just celebrated Easter, which is a holiday celebrating the resur[E]RECTION of CHRIST. JOHNSON castrates himself just a couple of days before the holiday. CHRIST is the same archetype as OSIRIS. OSIRIS was (Pi)eced back together so he could make Horus. One needs their “JOHNSON” to have an ERECTION in order to make children. URSA MAJOR is a.k.a. “Charles’ WAIN…bringing us back to John WAYNE Bobbitt.

Andre Johnson RAps under the name CHRIST BEARer. He severed off his penis with a knife this month.

Andre JOHNSON is part of the group NORTHSTR and RAps under the name CHRIST BEARer. He severed off his JOHNSON with a knife this month.

ROSE Byrne also stars in the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. She channels her alter ego “Mama BEAR.” (See 1:57 in the clip below) TEDDY ROoSEvelt was a former U.S. PRESIDENT. His famous slogan was “Speak softly and carry a big STICK.” What did TEDDY really mean when he UTTERed these words? 😉  

TEDDY Roosevelt's famous quote...SchTICK around to see how "STICK" connects in the next ShTICK.

TEDDY Roosevelt’s famous quote…STICK around to see how “STICK” connects in the next SchTICK. He is a former U.S. PRESIDENT.

[B]ROTHER [B]EAR (BB=22) is a 2003 DISNEY film. This syncs up with the BROTHER theme in the OSIRIS/Set myth and the upcoming film NEIGHBORS. TEDDY is a BROTHER in the FRATERnity.

Brother Bear

It’s not the original “[D]a [B]ears” skit and cast, but the video is still pretty funny below. DB=42. [C]hicago [B]ears—>CB = 32. [C]are [B]ears—>CB = 32. MILEY CYRUS danced with BEARS and has a song titled “23.”

Portlandia characters Peter and Nance are owners of a [B]ed and [B]reakfast (BB=22). In season three, ePisode eight (“Soft Opening“) they invite some residents of Portland (their NEIGHBORS) to a soft opening for their B & B. ROSE Byrne makes an appearance as Fred’s girlfriend. (Fred Armisen plays the role of Peter) ROSE Byrne is also in the upcoming film BROTHER‘s Keeper. Byrne is from SYDNEY, which is a scRAM-BULLed DISNEY. Peter and Nance decorate the B & B with TEDDY BEARS.

ROSE Byrne plays "Fred's girlfriend" on Portlandia. BROTHER's Keeper will be theaters sometime this year. She is from SYDNEY (DISNEY).

ROSE Byrne plays Fred’s girlfriend on Portlandia. BROTHER‘s Keeper will be in theaters sometime this year. She is from SYDNEY (DISNEY).

BEARS in Portlandia! (season 3, ePisode 6)

BEARS in Portlandia! (season 3, ePisode 6)

“Peter” and “Nance’s” B & B is decorated with BEARS and ROSEs.

Peter and Nance’s B & B is decorated with BEARS and ROSEs. ROSE Byrne makes an appearance as Fred’s girlfriend.

I recently read some [B]erenstain [B]EARS‘ books to a couple children I babysit, totally unrelated to one another. I also watched the [B]erenstain [B]EARS cartoon with one of the children (BB=22). On that same day, we also happened to catch an e(Pi)sode of Peppa (Pi)g called “TEDDY‘s Day Out.”

This is one of the books I read to the girl I babysit for.

This is one of the books I read to the girl I babysit for.

This is the other book I read to the boy I babysit for.

This is the other book I read to the boy I babysit for.

I mentioned in one of my most recent posts, that my niece visited a Build-A-BEAR workshop.


Lately, I’ve been writing (more than usual) on friend’s Facebook timelines for their BEARTHdays …”Ha(Pi) bEARTHday!” The day before I started writing this post, KATY PERRY released the video for her new single “Birthday.”

Zooey Deschanel (left) of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and KATY PERRY are clones of one another.

Zooey Deschanel (left) of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and KATY PERRY (right) are clones of one another.

Have you ever seen a TEDDY BEAR in a TEDDY? … Neither have I…until now. 😛

teddy in a teddy lingerie



bear eating berries

***All (R)ORiginal slides by SynchroMiss***

***Click on the hyperlinks to follow along in the st(R)ORY of sync/s!***

***Many thanks to Roobeedoo and Central Scrutinizer at the Synchromysticism Forum for HIP(PHI)(Pi)ng me to the Andre Johnson news, John WAYNE Bobbitt/Lorena Bobbitt tie in, and Arcturus connection!!!***

****UPDATE: 4/28/14****

I stumbled upon this article today. Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall  are set to meet “HUDSON” the POLAR BEAR in WINNIpEg, Canada next month.

HUDSON, the POLAR BEAR that Prince Charles and Camilla will meet next month. HUDSON is KATY PERRY's real last name.

HUDSON,” the POLAR BEAR that Prince Charles and Camilla will meet next month. HUDSON is KATY PERRY‘s real last name.

WINNIE-the-Pooh is from WINNIpEg!

WINNIE-the-Pooh is from WINNIpEg!