Bill Cosby’s Pooh Pop

Well, it all started with Bill Cosby, who in recent news is rumored to have SEXually assaulted many women years ago. These accusations facing The Cosby Show star all occurred under the astrological sign of ScorPio, which we just transitioned out of. In my last post, I explained how ScorPio rules the SEX organs and SEXuality.

From the above source:

“Moritz — who also played a cop in Cheech and Chong’s “Up in Smoke” — says Cosby “suddenly approached me and took out his penis, which was now in the line of my face [she’s 5’0″] and pressed up against it.”

She goes on, “He took his hands and put them on the back of my head and forced his penis in my mouth, saying, ‘Have a taste of this. It will do you good in so many ways.'”

Funny Bill Cosby meme

Funny meme gone viral…A PUddin (PUtin) Pop.

The Cosby Show

The Cosby Show starred BILL (BULL) Cosby as CLIFF (KNOW(the)LEDGE/CLIFF) HUX(HEX)taBULL. The BULL (Taurus) is ScorPio’s polar opposite in the zodiac.

In other recent news, people in Poland have a serious/(Sirius) problem with Winnie the Pooh. According to some in the Polish town of Tuszyn (2 sun/s?), they have nixed the popular bear as a possible mascot for their playground due to his dubious SEXuality.

“Later, a town official named Hanna Jachimska added: “This is very disturbing but can you imagine! The author was over 60 and cut his [Pooh’s] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity.” And yet another pointed out: “It doesn’t wear underPANts because it doesn’t have a SEX. It’s a hermaphrodite.”

winnie the pooh bees

Cause Bee (COSBY)!


The HUX is the HEX. BILL (BULL )CosBEE as Cliff (HUX)taBULL. The BEE resides in the (HEX)agonal structure, otherwise known as the honeycomb. Dr. HUXtaBULL was an OB/GYN, not THE RAPIST! Te he! 😛

Bill Cosby was famous for wearing COOJI sweaters on The Cosby Show. COOJI sounds like COOCHI. Cosby's character (Cliff Huxtable) was an OB/GYN.

Bill Cosby was famous for wearing COOJI sweaters on The Cosby Show. COOJI sounds like COOCHIE, which is a slang term for the vagina. Cosby’s character (Cliff Huxtable) was an OB/GYN.

The Winnie the Pooh story surfaced right at the transition of ScorPio (who rules the SEX organs) into Sagittarius (yesterday–November 22nd). He wears no PANts. PAN is another name for the god Jupiter, who rules the sign of Sagittarius.

If we examine the above images, we will see that Pooh is obviously a representation of the sun. He bears the fiery colors of red, orange, and yellow.  Symbolically, Pooh is following a parallel path with our sun because he is being brought down (as above, so below). You might be wondering why this is transPiring in a random place such as POLand. POLand is symbolically representative not only of the two POLes of the Earth, which the sun moves toward, but also the two SEXes of male and female.

Jupiter Zeus Pan Pi


Pooh sounds like poo, bringing us back to the booty/butt, and what I wrote about in my previous post, “Sex, Scorpio, Voting, and 11:11.” In order to cover up our booties/butts, we must wear PANts!

All of this syncs up with a previous post I wrote back in June, under the sign of the Gemini twins. Gemini, synchronistically, is Sagittarius‘ polar opposite in the zodiac.

Vladimir PUtin (POOH-TIN) says he won’t be president forever. VP is the P…resident of Russia. The BEAR has long been a Russian symbol for national pride. This syncs up nicely with the current Pooh news.

Vladimir Putin says he won't be president forever

POOH-TIN will not be Russia’s (BEAR) president forever! Source.

The U.S.S.R. is the URSa, as in URSa Major (“the Great BEAR“), and URSa Minor (“the Little BEAR“). ScRAM-BULLing the letters in U.S.S.R. and URSa = the ARSE (butt/booty).

russian bear

Former District of Columbia mayor<–(MARE/HORSE) MAR[E]ion Barry (BEAR-y) transitioned today. He passed at age 78, and under the sign of Sagittarius–half-HORSE/half-man. 1978 was the Chinese year of the HORSE. (This was also the year I was born) 😉 In 1990, his celebrity transformed into international notoriety, when he was videotaped smoking CRACK cocaine and arrested by FBI officials on drug charges. The CRACK leads us back to the booty/butt and the Poohtin. 1990 was also synchronistically the year of the HORSE.

Sagittarius, the "archer," is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR.

Sagittarius, the “archer,” is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR.

To top all of this off, the theme of SEX continues, as it was Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) the other day (November 20th). The TDoR is the culmination of Transgender Awareness Week, which all started November 12th. Again, this all falls under the sign of ScorPio who rules the SEX organs.


Everything is connected! 🙂

***SYNC UPDATE 11/25/14!!!***

“Three grandmas smoke weed (POT) for the first time.” Where do we POOH?…In the POT! The POT is the PAN! 😛

Fire and Ice Challenges: Tying It All Together

The theme of FIRE and ICE stems back to NORSE mythology.

Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology

In NORSE mythology, Yggdrasil is an immense tree consisting of nine worlds. Muspelheim is the primordial land of FIRE. Niflheim is the primordial place of ICE and fog–the land of the dead and home of the goddess Hel<–(HELL).

From Wikipedia:

“The NORSE creation myth tells how everything came into existence in the gap between FIRE and ICE, and how the gods shaped the homeworld of humans.”

Fire and Ice Robert Frost

FIRE and ICE by Robert FROST 😀

And of course most NORSE mythology stemmed from ICEland. This brings us to the recent erupting volcano taking place in ICEland currently. Volcanoes produce lava, which is associated with FIRE.volcano Iceland

The volcano in ICEland is now a code ORANGE.

volcano Iceland

First, there came FIRE with the FIRE challenge. The FIRE challenge seemed to have gotten popular under the FIERy sign of LEO, which we are currently under. It gives a whole new meaning to the word “PYROmania.” A recent news story reported a teenage boy by the name of JAMES<-(***Save this for later***) SHORES participated in the challenge, and died as a result. SHORES is a scRAM-BULLed HORSES. This is the Chinese year of the HORSE. Another teenage boy (name unknown) also participated in the challenge, wounding himself. He’s a resident of ORANGE County, CaliFORNia. FORN means “FIRE,” as in FURNace.

Fire Challenge

Fire Challenge Orange County California

Read more here.

Leo astrology

ALS=SAL/SOL scRAM-BULLed. SAL is SALt, and SOL is SUN in Spanish. The SOL or SUN rules the FIERy sign of LEO.

Pitbull released his new hit single titled “FIREball” on the first day of LEO, the LION–July 23, 2014.

Let’s get back to the color ORANGE. As we have learned from a previous blog post, the color ORANGE represents creativity. JAMES Wright FOLEY is wearing ORANGE in the photo below. FOLEY is a rearranged FILLY, a type of FEMALE HORSE. This is the photo taken just before his beHEADing by ISIS (ICEIS/US). ISIS represents the Divine FEMININE.

James Wright Foley

ORANGE is the new BLACK. Terrorist group ISIS (in BLACK) beHEADs American journalist James Wright Foley (in ORANGE).

The Lion King

There’s a lot of ORANGE color/energy embedded in the movie The LION King.

I had already made the connection between the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge and ISIS–> ICEUS/IS, however Mark Gray took it a step further in the slide below. He made the clever connection drawing the ISIS beHEADings and the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge together, in that BUCKETs of ICE water are dumped over the HEAD.

Mark Gray

Mark Gray‘s slide. Notice how they are dumping ORANGE BUCKETs over their HEADs in the photo above James Wright Foley and ISIS.

You can read more about the “The Return Of ISIShere, which I also mentioned in a previous blog post. Her return is taking place now on the planet.

The (MOTHER) ISIS energy has returned to planet Earth under the sign of Cancer.

Mets Bucket Hat guy

The METS BUCKET Hat Guy ALWAYS wears an ORANGE hat on his HEAD.

The METS BUCKET Hat Guy is a public figure or character often featured on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He makes connections by SYNCing and code-cracking for the public eye to see. In the video below, notice at 27 seconds in how he mentions the SINK and SINKhole (SYNC).

And then came the ICE:

ALS, short for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is neurodegenerative disease. Victims in the later stages of the disease may become totally PARALYZEDICE has the ability to PARALYZE, due to it being so cold. ALS is a scRAM-BULLed SOL, which means SUN in sPANish.The sign LEO is ruled by the SUN. The SUN connects back to the FIRE element. ALS is also a rearranged AILS (by adding the vowel “I“). AIL means “to suffer ill health” or “to cause pain or trouble for.” It is no wonder a disease like ALS makes one suffer, for it is encoded in the anagram. Lastly, ALS is also a scRAM-BULLed ELS, which means “god.” I’ve written about EL in numerous blog posts in the past. 

ice cubes

ICE has the ability to PARALYZE.

It is rumored that ALS donation $$<–(ISIS/ICEIS/US) is going to STEM cell research and funding. The STEM leads us back to the METS (a scRAM-BULLed STEM) BUCKET Hat Guy.

From Wikipedia:

“In the beginning, there were two regions: Muspellsheimr in the south, full of FIRE, light and heat; and Niflheimr in the north, full of arctic waters, mists, and cold. Between them stretched the yawning emptiness of Ginnungagap, and into it poured sparks and smoke from the south and layers of rime-ICE and glacial rivers from the north. As heat and cold met in Ginnungagap, a living Jötunn, Ymir, appeared in the melting ICE. From his left armpit, the first man and woman were born. From his legs, the frost jötnar were born, making Ymir the progenitor of the jötnar. Most sources identify Ymir’s oldest son as Thrudgelmir, who bore Ymir’s grandson, Bergelmir. The other jötnar are usually unnamed. Ymir fed on the milk of the cow Auðhumla. She licked the blocks of SALTy ICE, releasing Búri.”


From Wikipedia: “While Ymir suckles at the udder of Auðumbla, Búri is licked out of the ICE in this 18th-century painting by Nicolai Abildgaard (1790)”

ALS is also a scRAM-BULLed SAL, which is SALT in sPANish. SALT, the movie came out July 23rd, 2010–again, the first day of LEO. SALT is an acronym for Scorpio, Aquarius, LEO, and Taurus. ALS = 32. Salt

Salt Film


The figures in The World card of the tarot deck represent the four fixed signs–Scorpio, Aquarius, LEO, and Taurus, or SALT for short.

I usually provide an objective point of view when decoding and writing posts like this one. However, I feel I must offer my two cents here, and that is we create ALL disease/s with our minds. Mother Earth has provided a plethora of elements we may find in nature, such as herbs and other medicinal plants to help “cure” any disease. Of course, lifestyle, like eating organic food and exercising, and staying stress free plays a HUGE role in how well we all decide to BE. With the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge, I feel we are promoting disease by focusing on it.


There are MANY chinese herbs, as well as other medicinal plants on Earth that will help cure or treat ANY disease. Note the seaHORSE in the picture.


I highly recommend Reishi for just about any AILment. It has personally changed my life for the better!

And backing up a bit, FROZEN was a huge box office hit this past winter. The movie FROZEN was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen‘s fairy tale The Snow Queen, which is based on NORSE mythology. Also, comet ISON (ICESUN) made moves throughout the cosmos.




Currently, there’s all this buzz in Ferguson, MIS[I]Souri and how it’s becoming a “polICE state.” The title of the recent news article below caught my eye: “5 reasons the polICE brutality in Ferguson is just the tip of the ICEberg.” Take note of how the word ISIS is in the word Missouri.

5 reasons the police brutality in Ferguson is just the tip of the iceberg

Read more here.

SIN City: A Dame to Kill For comes out August 22nd, the last day of LEO (SUN). The movie poster reads “There is no justICE without SIN.” SIN relates back to the MOON and ICE/ISIS. SIN was the MOON god in Mesopotamian mythology. Like ISIS, he represented the MOON, ICE and cold energy. SIN City is in LAS Vegas. LAS = SAL or SALT scRAM-BULLed.

sin city a dame to kill for

In closing, the creation myth created a long time ago echoes, “out of nothing, comes something.” We create our realities. We are creating everything we do NOW, from what we see, to what we will see, and so on. The elements of FIRE and ICE are just symbols that have been sacred for many years, past, present and future, which is all simply created as we live in the NOW.

***Click on the hyperlinks to keep up in the st(R)ORY of sync***

SHARK, KRASH, HORSE, LOST and Missing Planes 2014

I recently started watching the series LOST on Netflix. The connection has been made that the series syncs up with the recent missing (LOSTMalaysian plane, Flight MH370. Both scenarios are parallels of one another. The series also contains other themes like horses, heroin, a shark, plane crashes, and many others. All of these have been popular scenarios taking place in the year 2014. I decided to write this post while watching Season 2, episodes 9, 10, 11, and 12 recently. There’s a screenshot below of a couple posts I shared in the MH370 thread at the Synchromysticism Forum. You will find more connections in that thread pertaining to the missing Malaysian plane (Flight MH370) and this year (2014). This post is a SYNContinuation of where that thread starts.


LOST, a highly encoded series, incorporates repetition of numbers as well as events where the characters brush paths with one another on colliding timelines (past, present, and future).

Synchromysticism ForumIn the beginning of the LOST series, we meet CHARLIE who is a HEROIN addict. As we learned from a previous post or two, “HORSE” is a slang term for HEROIN. So, CHARLIE does HORSE…does this make him a CHARLIE/CHARLEY HORSE? The island is surrounded by the SHORE, a scRAM-BULLed HORSE. MAR/MARE is another name for sea or ocean in Spanish and Italian. A MARE is also a female HORSE. 2014 is the Chinese year of the HORSE.

In Season 1 of LOST, we learn that Charlie is a HEROIN (HORSE) addict. He becomes stranded on an island  surrounded  by the SHORE/HORSE.

In Season 1 of LOST, we learn that CHARLIE/(CHARLEY) is a HEROIN (HORSE) addict. He becomes stranded on an island surrounded by the SHORE/(HORSE).

charley horse

A CHARLEY HORSE is cramping of the muscle. One of the many symptoms of HEROIN withdrawal is muscle cramping, like the CHARLEY HORSE. Luckily for CHARLIE, there are plenty of bananas on the island, which are great for muscle cramps!! 😉

Year of the horse 2014

SHORE/HORSE. 2014 is the Chinese year of the HORSE. A MARE is a female HORSE.

Charlie synchronistically finds HEROIN (HORSE) on the island in a statue of the Virgin MARY (MARE+E). We learn that another PLANE CRASH took place on the island prior to the Oceanic Flight 815’s CRASH. This particular PLANE was carrying 300 Virgin MARY statues full of HEROIN (HORSE). 300 syncs back to the TRIDENT, as it is the numerical value of the Hebrew letters Shin/Sin. Shin/Sin closely resemble the TRIDENT.


The crashed PLANE that Locke and Boone find in the jungle was carrying 300 VIRGIN MARE+E statues filled with HORSE (HEROIN). The LOST series premiered under the sign of Virgo, the VIRGIN (September 22, 2004).

In season 1, episode 19 (“Deus Ex Machina“), characters Boone and Locke find the crashed sight of an orange PLANE in the jungle. This plane closely resembles “Dusty Crophopper,” the orange plane from the movies PLANEs and PLANEs: FIRE & Rescue. FIRE & Rescue was released this summer, 2014. In season 2, episode 12 (“FIRE+Water“) Sayid shows CHARLIE the downed beechcraft with the Virgin MARE+E statues filled with HEROIN (HORSE). FIRE+Water syncs up with the title of the film released this year, PLANEs: FIRE & Rescue.

"Fire + Water" LOST Planes: Fire & Rescue

The downed beechcraft is orange in color, just like “Dusty Crophopper” from the PLANEs movies.

trident horse shin teeth mem memories

This slide (from a previous post) was made to show how the Hebrew letter/s Shin/Sin closely resemble the TRIDENT. Shin/Sin has a numerical value of 300. There were 300 Virgin MARE+E statues full of HORSE (HEROIN). There are 2 TRIDENTs on the tail end of Malaysia Airlines crafts. Also, 300: Rise of an Empire was released this year (3.14/Pi day).


There are 2 TRIDENTs on the tail end of the Malaysian Airlines aircrafts. The TRIDENT resembles the Hebrew letters Shin/Sin which = 300.

In Season 2, episode 9 (“What Kate Did“), Kate meets a black HORSE on the island. She bumps into CHARLIE/(CHARLEY HORSE) in the woods and asks him if he thinks there are HORSEs on the island. We also meet her father who is an officer in the ARMY, a scRAM-BULLed (Virgin MARY).

Kate Lost black horse

Kate meets a mysterious Dark HORSE on the island, who she has seemingly met in the past.

"What Kate Did" LOST

"What Kate Did" LOST

CHARLIE‘s response to Kate about HORSEs.

"What Kate Did" LOST

Kate, to Charlie.

Sam Austen Kate Austen LOST

Sergeant Major Sam Austen is whom Kate Austen believed to be her biological father. He works for the U.S. ARMY (MARY).

And further into season 2, CHARLIE throws the Virgin MARY (MARE+E) statues full of HEROIN (HORSE) into the MAR/MARE–the sea.

Season 2 LOST

CHARLIE throwing the HORSE into the MAR/E.

In season 2, episode 10 (“The 23rd Psalm“), Locke teaches Michael how to shoot a GUN(42). They use RANCH dressing as a target for practice. HORSEs roam on RANCHes. Psi is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. Psi resembles the TRIDENT, as well as the Hebrew letters Shin/Sin.

Locke shows Michael how to shoot a rifle, and they use RANCH dressing as a target.

Locke shows Michael how to shoot a rifle, and they use RANCH dressing as a target.

horses ranch

HORSEs roam on the RANCH.


Psi is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. It resembles the TRIDENT, as well as the Hebrew letters Shin/Sin = 300.

SHARKs and PLANEs are hugely themed together this year. SHARK = a scRAM-BULLed KRASH or CRASH. Oceanic Flight 815 KRASHed into the ocean. I just stumBULLed upon an article titled, “Is 2014 the deadliest year for flights? Not even close.” The article mentions the GUNned-down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, the CRASH of TransAsia Airways Flight 222, and Air Algerie Flight 5017 that CRASHed in Mali. It’s rumored that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 possibly KRASHed into the Indian Ocean.


SHARK = a scRAM-BULLed KRASH, HUGE themes this year! For further SHARK syncs in connection with the year 2014, read here.

At the beginning of season 2 on LOST (episode 2, “Adrift“), Michael and Sawyer encounter a SHARK in the ocean. A movie came out this year called Mega SHARK vs. Mecha SHARK. The movie poster features a SHARK eating an airPLANE. The main character’s name is JACK (JACK Turner), just like in LOST (JACK SHEPHARD). SHARKnado 2: The Second One, was also released this summer. The setting in the beginning of the film takes place on an airPLANE. The protagonist’s name in that film is FIN SHEPARDSHARKs have FINs.

"Adrift" LOST

Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark

The movie poster for Mega SHARK vs. Mecha SHARK.

Central Scrutinizer, from the Synchromysticism Forum noticed how the plane (@ 00:57 seconds in) in the trailer below looks similar to that of the Malaysian airliner, Flight MH370. He mentions this in the MH370 thread. He also makes further connections, which you can read there.[2014.07.31_21.24.33]

In SHARKnado 2: The Second One, the main characters fly on a PLANE that is eventually attacked by SHARKs.

Jack Shephard, Jack Turner, Fin Shepard

JACK SHEPHARD” (played by Matthew Fox), is the lead protagonist on the series LOST. “FIN SHEPARD” (played by Ian Ziering), is the lead character in SHARKnado and SHARKnado 2: The Second One. Christopher Judge plays “JACK Turner” in Mega SHARK vs. Mecha SHARK, another leading character.

JACK SHEPHARD‘s initials are JS, very close to JC (Jesus Christ). Jesus is referred to as a SHEPHERD, the one who watches over his flock. JACK, the protagonist on LOST, is the leader of the survivors. Funny thing is, JACK isn’t a man of faith, he is a man of science (see episode “Man of Science, Man of Faith“). The SHEPHERD leads us into the coming year of 2015, the Chinese year of the SHEEP.


JC, the SHEPHERD, leading his flock of SHEEP.

year of the sheep

I synchronistically started writing this post right at the beginning of SHARK week, which starts today–August 10th. shark week ***Click on the hyperlinks to keep up with similar posts that sync into this one***

***(R)ORiginal slides by SynchroMiss***

SYNC UPDATE 8/11/14:

Actor and comedian, Robin Williams was found dead in his TIBURON, California home today. TIBURÓN is sPANish for SHARK. His home is also located in MAR[E]in County. He will be missed! R.I.P. Robin!

Robin Williams

Robin WILL.I.AM.s July 21st 1951-August 11th 2014. Rest in peace!


American Hustle Decoded

I recently watched the film AMERICAn Hustle. The story took place in late April 1978. The specific time that the film took place really resonated with me because I was born just a week later (5.5.78). Let’s break down some of the codes in this film, starting with the release date.

American Hustle movie poster

1978 was the year of the HORSE. We catch two dates in this film (April 26th and April 28th 1978) that relate to TAURUS. We are currently under the Chinese sign of the HORSE (2014).

Year of the horse 2014

1978, 1990, and 2014 are HORSE years.

This film was released on December 13, 2013, under the (Western astrological) sign of SAGITTARIUS, the ARCHER. The ARCHER is half-man and half-HORSE. The movie was released a month and a half before the HORSE year started. So technically, it was released while we were still under the Chinese year of the SNAKE. We will come back to the SNAKE momentarily.


SAGITTARIUS, the “ARCHER,” is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR.

2013 year of the snake

2013 was the year of the SNAKE.

The Hunger Games: Catching FIRE<–(**Save this for later**), also starring Jennifer Lawrence, was released under the sign of SAGITTARIUS (2013), and during the year of the SNAKE. In that film she plays the role of the HEROIN[E], as well as the ARCHER. HORSE is a slang term for the drug HEROIN. In AMERICAn Hustle, she plays the role of “ROS[E]alyn ROSEnfeld.” In German, the meaning of the name Rosalyn is a compound of ‘HORSE‘ and ‘SNAKE‘. Lawrence was born the year of the METAL<–(**Save this for later**) HORSE (August 15, 1990).

Amy Adams Jennifer Lawrence roses bathroom American Hustle

ROSEs are the CENTAUR(Pi)ece (Pi)cTAURed between ROS[E]alyn (on the left) and Sydney (on the right).

Jennifer Lawrence Horse Archer Sagittarius

A HORSE with No Name” is the song that is playing when the movie begins. The song was rumored to be about HEROIN. It was written by [D]ewey [B]unnell (DB = 42) and recorded by the band “AMERICA.”

The plot involves two con-artists who are forced to set up an elaborate sting operation by an FBI agent on corrupt politicians, including the MAYOR (MARE) of Camden, [N]ew [J]ERSEY (NJ=24). JERSEY = the cow/bull/TAURUS–the astrological sign the film takes place under. (Please read my posts in which I break down the MARE/MAYOR here and the JERSEY here).<—That last hyperlink syncs up with the director of American Hustle, whose name rhymes with the title, David O. RUSSELL.

Hang onto your HORSES, because here come even more HORSE syncs!…

Christian BALE plays Jennifer Lawrence’s husband, “Iriving ROSEnfeld.” A BALE refers to a BALE of HAY that HORSES eat.Christian Bale American HustleThere’s a HORSE statue on the desk of Anthony Amado, as well as HORSE photos just above his desk.

Amado American HustleAmado American HustleAmado American HustleThere’s also a statue of a HORSE‘s head in another scene.American Hustle movie scene horsehead

Shea Whigham American Hustle

Shea Whigham’s character, “Carl ELway” poses next to a HORSEhead statue.

Louis C.K. plays the role of “Stoddard Thorsen.” The name Stoddard means “keeper of HORSES.” Thorsen–> THORsen / tHORSEn. THOR relates back to JUPITER, the planet that rules the SAGITTARIAN HORSE-man.

American Hustle Louis C.K.

Louis C.K. plays the role of “Stoddard Thorsen.”

Elisabeth RÖHM‘s last name rhymes with ROME, tying back to the Trojan HORSE. She was also born on April 28th (TAURUS), the same day the set-up takes place in the film. She plays the role of “Dolly Polito,” the MAYOR/MARE‘s wife.


Elisabeth RÖHM as “Dolly Polito” syncs back to the Trojan HORSE and ROME.

Amy Adam’s character, “Sydney Prosser/ Lady Edith GREENsley” dons HORSE-insPired jewelry in the film. She sports  a HORSEbit NECKlace by Gucci, and also wears HORSEbit earrings and a HORSEbit bracelet.


From Wikipedia: “A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of METAL or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth of a horse or other equid and assists a rider in communicating with the animal.”

American-Hustle Amy Adams Horse Bit Necklace Gucci SydneyRobert De Niro’s character, “VicTOR T[EL]legio,” is the right-hand man to MEYER (MARE/MAYOR/HORSE) Lansky.

Victor Tellegio American Hustle

Robert De Niro as “Victor Tellegio.”

Jennifer Lawrence was born the year of the METAL HORSE in Chinese astrology. In one scene, her character Rosalyn<–( name meaning a compound of ‘HORSE‘ and ‘SNAKE‘) CATCHes the microwave on FIRE by putting a METAL container in it. In the beginning of the film, her character also CATCHes a sun lamp on FIRE. This theme mirrors her previous film’s title, “The Hunger Games: Catching FIRE,” which also came out in 2013–the year of the SNAKE.

The Hunger Games Catching Fire movie poster

The Hunger Games: CATCHing FIRE came out the first day of SAGITTARIUS. SAGITTARIUS is a FIRE sign. Rosalyn Rosenfeld CATCHes a sun lamp and a microwave on FIRE.

In the video below, Rosalyn Rosenfeld CATCHes the microwave on FIRE by putting METAL in it. She says, “Why don’t you just marry Carmine? Get a little GOLD microwave and put it on a chain around your NECK! You wanna be more like Carmine? Why don’t you build something, like he does? Instead of all your empty deals; they’re just like your fuckin’ science oven. You know, I read that it takes all of the nutrition out of our food! It’s empty, just like your deals. Empty! Empty!” Irving Rosenfeld replies with, “Listen (with the EARS that TAURUS the BULL rules) to this BULLsh*t.” She then says, “It’s not BULLsh*t! I read it in an article, look: By Paul Brodeur.” In this scene she mentions METAL and the NECK, the part of the body that TAURUS rules. TAURUS is also represented by the color GOLD (AU), because when the THROAT chakra is balanced and open, it is said that the sign is [AU]thentic. AU = the atomic symBULL for GOLD. She also mentions that the device takes the nutrition out of food, which is true, so she is revealing a hidden truth for the masses. Take notice how she is wearing a GOLD jumpsuit in this particular scene.

From Wikipedia: "According to the Hebrew Bible, the golden calf (עֵגֶּל הַזָהָב ‘ēggel hazâhâv) was an idol (a cult image) made by Aaron to satisfy the Israelites during Moses' absence, when he went up to Mount Sinai."

From Wikipedia: “According to the Hebrew Bible, the GOLDen CALF (עֵגֶּל הַזָהָב ‘ēggel hazâhâv) was an idol (a cult image) made by Aaron to satisfy the Israelites during Moses’ absence, when he went up to Mount Sinai.”

The Rosenfeld’s home is furnished in a METAL-themed design and decor.

Jennifer Lawrence American Hustle

The Rosenfeld’s bedroom features a METAL-framed bed, METALlic wallpaper, and a GOLDen bedspread.


The decor in the kitchen features METALlic wallpaper with GOLDen hues. Jennifer Lawrence’s character, “Rosalyn” sports a GOLDen jumpsuit with GOLD EARrings.

Jennifer Lawrence American Hustle

There are GOLD accent Pieces, as well as GOLDen pillows on the couch in their living room. There are also three Pictures of DOGs<–(**Save this for later**) on top of their TV (42).

There’s even a ZEBRA on the FIREplace. A ZEBRA is a type of EQUINE, like the HORSE.american hustle zebra

Amy Adam’s character “Lady Edith GREENsley” is wearing a GREEN dress and leaning on a WOODen desk when both she and Irving get busted towards the beginning of the film. 2014 is the Chinese year of the GREEN WOOD HORSE. In the background, there is a statue of two GOLDen BULLs. The name Irving means “GREEN water.”

American Hustle bullsamerican-hustle-amy-adams-1There’s a 4A on the door in one scene. (This is the same scene where we find the HORSEhead statue; Picture above) 4A (A=1) = 41 or 14 backwards, as in 2014, the year of the HORSE.American Hustle 4A on the doorAmerican Hustle was released just before the Western astrological sign of the Capricorn GOAT. The SHEEP/GOAT/ram are all the same thing in Chinese astrology. Two of the actors (Robert De Niro and Louis C.K.) were born during the Chinese (Eastern) sign of the SHEEP/GOAT/ram. We will experience the year of the SHEEP/GOAT/ram in 2015, which comes right after the year of the HORSE (2014).year of the sheep 2015

More astrological syncs and codes:

The HORSE takes the seventh position after the SNAKE and before the SHEEP in the Chinese zodiac. This plays a huge role in the film because of the actor’s Chinese astrological signs, as well as this film’s release date, which occurred under the sign of the SNAKE.

Chinese zodiac wheel

Jennifer Lawrence was born during the Chinese sign of the HORSE. Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, and Amy Adams were all born during the year of the (JUPITER) TIGER. Jeremy Renner, Jack Huston, and Paul Herman were all born under the sign of the DOG/GOD. Remember the three separate, framed photos of DOGs on the Rosenfeld’s television? Those three DOGs are symBULLs of the three acTORs born under the K-9 sign. In Chinese astrology, the HORSE, TIGER and DOG are all compatiBULL with one another. Elisabeth Röhm was born under the sign of the OX and is a TAURUS. The OX is a species of TAURUS.

Jeremy Renner was born the year of the DOG. He plays the role of "MAYOR/(MARE) Carmine Polito."

Jeremy Renner was born the year of the DOG. He plays the role of “MAYOR/(MARE) Carmine Polito.” The DOG and HORSE are great friends according to the Chinese zodiac.

Jack Huston American Hustle

Jack Huston plays the role of “Pete MUsane.” He was born the year of the DOG.

Paul Herman plays the role of "Alfonse Simone" and was born the year of the DOG.

Paul Herman plays the role of “Alfonse Simone” and was born the year of the DOG.

JuPiter (214/24/42/17//π) syncs and codes:

Besides the BULL, there are other symbols that represent JUPITER. Rosalyn Rosenfeld’s son sports the number 24 on his shirt in one scene.

Danny American Hustle

Rosalyn Rosenfeld’s son Danny wears a shirt with the number 24 on it in one of the beginning scenes.

The planet JUPITER rules SAGITTARIUS, the archer. Again, this film was released under the sign of the HORSE-man.

JUPITER's glyph or sigil looks like the numbers                               24 / 42 / 214 / 17 etc...

JUPITER’s glyph or sigil looks like the numbers                                   24 / 42 / 214 / 17 etc…

There is a number 214 on the door of the dry cleaning business that Irving Rosenfeld owns. American Hustle dry cleaners 17 doorWe see a number 17 on the diner door where Irving and MAYOR Polito meet up. American Hustle 17 diner doorSydney Prosser is from Albuquerque, [N]ew [M]exico. NM = 14.13<–>3.14/Pi/π.              3 x 14 = 42–> is a mirrored and flippd π. Sydney gives Brenda a bottle of [Pi]mm’s, a type of liqueur. American Hustle Pimm'sReferences to [Pi]sces/(Pi.SEAS):

As many of us know, we are coming to the end of the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. There are several references in the film in which FISH or FEET are mentioned. Pisces rules the FEET.

1. Several characters (beginning with Irving Rosenfeld) mention the phrase, “from the FEET up.”

2. Stoddard Thorsen tells DiMato about his ice FISHing story.

3. DiMaso is asked by his mother to fix the FISH tANK[H]. 

Prior to the discovery of Neptune, Jew(Pi)TAUR was considered the ruler of (Pi)SEAS. The ROSEenfelds are JEWish.

Prior to the discovery of Neptune, Jew(Pi)TAUR was considered the ruler of (Pi)SEAS. The ROSEenfelds are JEWish.

Pisces relates back to CHRIST, as the FISH is symbolic of Jesus. Both Bradley CoOP[P]ER and CHRISTian Bale contain the initials BC/CB in their names. BC is an abbreviation for “Before CHRIST.” This refers to the time before CHRIST existed. The word CHRIST is in CHRISTian’s Bale’s name.

JESUS is represented by the FISH. BC is an angram for Before Christ, Bradley Cooper and CHRISTian Bale.

JESUS CHRIST is represented by the FISH. BC is an abbreviation for Before CHRIST, Bradley Cooper, and CHRISTian Bale.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for my next post…Coming soon! 😀

***(R)ORiginal slide by SynchroMiss***

Horses, Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Malaysian Plane, and Neptune

I recently listened to the podcast on Red Ice Creations featuring Mark Gray. It’s really good! It regards symbols, number codes, and events surrounding the missing Malaysian plane, flight MH370. Mark also has a Facebook page where he builds with others to help put the [Pi]eces of the puzzle together. I started making additional connections and decided to share them here.

Let me add, I’ve been writing about HORSEs prior to this year, the CHInese year of the HORSE. HORSEs are a huge theme this year. In my last blog post, I mentioned Marius, the giraffe that was put down by the Copenhagen Zoo. At the time, I hadn’t noticed, but Marius has two additional codes in the name, beside the obvious MARS and ARIES. It also contains MAR, which means “sea,” in Spanish. “MARE” is “sea” in Italian. A MARE is a type of female HORSE. When we add MAR + SEA together, we get MERCY. The MAR = “sea” and by adding an “E” (MARE) to the end, it becomes a female HORSE. Of course, I AM writing this under the astrological sign of the RAM, which is a reversed MAR(S)/MAR(E).Mars, Marius, Bruno Mars, Veronica MarsVE(NUS)ronica MARS lives in the fictional town of NEPTUNE. MARs, the god of WAR, rode on a chariot pulled by two HORSEs named Phobos and Deimos. He holds the HORSEs with his ARM. Both Philip SE[A]ymour Hoffman (“PLUT(O)arch Heavensbee”) and Sam Claflin (“FINnick Odair”) were in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Finnick plays the NEPTUNE archetype with his TRIDENTNEPTUNE carries a TRIDENT and is associated with HORSEs. Philip means “lover of HORSEs.”

Katy Perry Dark Horse

Daylight savings occurred on March 9th. The first day of Spring was March 20th. The first day of Aries was March 21st. Katy Perry’s “DARK HORSE/(HORUS)” represents the LIGHT HOURS as we approached the Spring EQUIN[E]ox. EQUINE means “of or relating to HORSEs. [D]enver [B]roncos = DB/42. The Super Bowl took place in [N]ew [J]ersey = NJ/24 on 2.2.14. [B]runo [M]ARS = BM/213. 213 comes before 214/Jupiter/.

On one of Mark Gray’s Facebook posts, I made a comment adding in additional codes/syncs pertaining to the events leading up to the missing Malaysian plane. Below is the screenshot I took of my comment. Mark had made mention that July 23rd is the “feast of Neptune.” I created a video back in September of last year mentioning that July 23rd is also when the annual flooding of the Nile River took place in Egypt. It’s also the first day of LEO (the SUN/SON), and the day after Pi day, July 22nd (22/7=3.14/Pi).The “DOG/(GOD) Days of Summer” begin on July 23rd, when Sirius the “Dog Star” rises from behind the sun. Miley Cyrus made a song last year titled “23.” Miley dons a jersey dress sporting Michael Jordan’s famous basketball number, 23. MJ = 23.

Malaysian plane flight MH370

Mark decodes that the TRIDENT (Ψ) means “THREE TEETH.” He mentions that the symbol on the Malaysian plane has two TRIDENTS which resemble the Hebrew letter/s Shin/Sin. He also mentioned that back in February, US Homeland Security announced they were receiving intelligence saying TOOTHpaste bombs were going to be used to blow up international flights. I synced in that Shin/Sin(שׁ שׂ) means “teeth/tooth,” which I’ve written about before.

(R)ORiginal code-cracking by SynchroMiss

I started code-cracking the Hebrew letter/s Shin/Sin toward the end of 2012. Mark mentions how both the TRIDENTs on the tail of the Malaysian plane look like two 3‘s (33). Shin/Sin resembles the number 3, the letters E,W, and M, and of course, the TRIDENT. It has a vibration of 300.

Mark Gray‘s photo below synchromystically ties into my own reality. I am originally from VIRGINIA and my boyfriend, (another synchromystic) Jim,  is originally from NEPTUNE. I moved to the Jersey SHORE/HORSE about a year ago. CURRENTly, NEPTUNE is the next town over from us.

Mark Gray Facebook post

Mark Gray’s Facebook photo/decoding.


These are the comments I left on Mark’s post above.

teeth memories

TEETH represent MEMories. WATER holds MEMory. The Hebrew letter MEM means “WATER.” HORSEs have BIG TEETH. The triDENT looks like the Hebrew letter/s Shin/Sin. We find SE(Y)A(MOUR)HORSEs at the SHORE/HORSE (in WATER). Chew triDENT gum.

Hippocampus seahorse

The seahorse represents memory because it resembles the hippocampus of the brain.

As I’m writing this blog post, I break to call my mother. She is synchronistically with my niece at a Build-A-Bear workshop building a My Little PONY plush toy! My niece is crazy for those PONIES and I AM too…for I was born the year of the HORSE, in the month of MA[R]Y[E], and I used to ride HORSEs.

photo (62) My (almost 4 year old) niece chose/built "Twilight Sparkle" of the My Little Ponies at Build-A-Bear. Of course she picks the pegasus! ;-)

My (almost 4 year old) niece chose/built “Twilight Sparkle” of the My Little Ponies at Build-A-Bear. Of course she picks the pegasus! 😉

Thanks for reading! In order to keep up with the codes, please click on the hyperlinks in my post as well as checking out Mark’s Facebook page, and of course, listen to the podcast.

***All (R)ORiginal slides by SynchroMiss***