More FIRE and ICE, BARACk Obama, and Robin Williams

In my last blog post, I made connections linking the FIRE and ICE theme by tying it to Norse mythology. I mentioned the ALS ICE Bucket Challenge, the ISIS beheading of James Foley, as well as what’s happening in Ferguson, mIS[I]Souri. Here are some additional syncs and codes…

Fire and Ice Challenges: Tying It All Together SynchroMiss

Justice For Trayvon Martin

JustICE for Trayvon Martin. The 2012 scenario is a mirror of what’s now taking place in Ferguson, mIS[I]Sori with Michael Brown. ICE/ISIS is the theme tied to both stories.

Mark Gray, a fellow sync-head and code-cracker, made another amazing slide tying together ISIS and Khepri of ancient Egypt. To add on, a sCARAB is a type of BEETLE. If we remove the S in sCARAB and read the word backwards, we get the name BARACk, as in BARACk Obama. Also, we find the word ARAB in scARAB, and the ISIS organization is of ARAB descent. BARACk is a fellow LEO (his birthday is August 4th). The ISIS beheading of James Foley and the ALS ICE Bucket Challenge occurred under the sign of LEO, which we just transitioned out of.

Mark Gray's slide

Mark Gray‘s slide.

Barack Obama

BARACK Obama gives a lot of speeches. The Jewish people open their prayers (speeches) by saying BARUKH ata Adonai Eloheinu. BARUKH/BARACK (ברוך) means “blessed” in Hebrew.

Adding to all of that, SCARAB contains the word SCAR[E] in it. SCARE is connected to the color ORANGE. James Wright Foley wears ORANGE in the beheading photo, and the BLACK BEATLE wears BLACK in the same photo. ORANGE and BLACK are the colors connected to the next big holiday–Halloween, where SCARING people and SCARY stuff is the central theme. LION (LEO) King incorporates a lot of the ORANGE color, as I mentioned in my previous post. SCAR, like the BLACK BEATLE, is the villain in the movie The LION King. The reason we pay attention to these types of stories is because subconsciously we want to be SCAREd.


In Ancient Egypt, the dung BEETLE (now known as Scarabaeus sacer )was revered as sacred.

Happy Halloween

Halloween’s theme colors are ORANGE and BLACK. It is a SCARY holiday.

scar the lion king

SCAR is the LEO LION villain from The LION King.

firefighters injured ice bucket challenge

FIREfighters were injured during the ICE Bucket Challenge possibly SCARring themselves. Source

A lot of people get caught up in the duality in the news. In reality, they are one in the same, because BARACk is not only “BLACK,” but his name is a scRAM-BULLed sCARAB (BEETLE/BEATLE). Thus, there is no separation between the BLACK BEATLE and BARACk, because these people are represented by the same archetypes.

Game of Thrones Ice and Fire A Foreshadowing

Game of Thrones is a series featured on HBO. HBO is a scRAM-BULLed BHO, Barack Hussein Obama’s initials.

ALS =  32 in simple gematria. What temperature does ICE freeze at? 32 degrees! ICE is typically in the shape of a CUBE. Saturn is associated with time and systems of measurement, i.e., days, years, rulers, and physical shapes (CUBEs and boxes). Obama was born on August (8) the 4th —> 8 x 4 = 32. His initials are BHO. B = 2—>HO = H2O, or WATER. When FIRE melts ICE, it becomes WATER. We will return to the WATER momentarily…

ice cubes

WATER freezes at a temperature of 32 degrees. It’s in the shape of a CUBE. The CUBE is associated with Saturn and time.

James Wright Foley ISIS ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

It’s James FO[A]LEY (FOAL or FILLY means HORSE) participating in the ALS ICE Bucket Challenge. ICEIS (ISIS) does the honors.


The Kaaba is a CUBoid structure at the center of Islam’s most sacred mosque, Al-Masjid al Haram, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

LAS Vegas (LAS = ALS scRAM-BULLed) is the place where one goes to get LUCKY. Lou Gehrig (who suffered from ALS) had a famous speech titled “The LUCKIEST Man on the Face of the Earth.” He was also nicknamed “The Iron HORSE.” HORSEshoes symbolize good LUCK. Again, as mentioned in many of my posts in the past, this is the Chinese year of the HORSE. HORSEs like to lick SAL (Spanish for SALt), which is a reversed LAS.

Las Vegas

ALS (LAS) Vegas is symbolized by dICE–a CUBE. On this dICE, check out the 32, as in 32 degrees.

Lou Gehrig's "The Luckiest Man on the Face of the Earth" speech

Lou Gehrig’s “The LUCKiest Man on the Face of the Earth” famous speech.


Lead is Saturn’s metal. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is theorized to be caused by lead exposure.


HORSEshoes are a symbol of good LUCK.

horses lick salt

HORSEs like to lick SAL.

COReY GRIFFIN, one of the founders of the of the ALS ICE Bucket Challenge, recently died in a DIVING<–(**Save this for later**) accident in WATER. GRIFFIN ties us back to Peter GRIFFIN, DAD (**Save the DAD for later**) of The Family Guy cartoon. Peter GRIFFIN has recently been associated with the late ROBIN Williams because ROBIN was featured on an episode. ROBIN is a scRAM-BULLed NaIROBI. What is NaIROBI? It is the caPital and largest city of Kenya. Theories speculate that OBAMA is of Kenyan descent. In the ePisode and clip of Family Guy below (“Fatman & ROBIN“), notice how ROBIN Williams mentions BARACk OBAMA at 1:28.

Corey Griffin ALS dies

Corey Griffin kicked the BUCKET in NanTUCKETSource

Obama birth certificate

Some people want to know.

Mrs. Doubtfire

Of course one of Robin Williams’ most popular films is Mrs. DoubtFIRE.

FIRE and ICE melt WATER. Neptune/Poseidon (“God of the sea”) is associated with HORSEs and WATER. This all connects back to Corey GRIFFIN, because he perished by drowning in WATER. Robin Williams supposedly died of asphyxiation, which is basically suffocation. Drowning and suffocation are the same thing because in both cases one doesn’t get enough oxygen (O2). O2 leads back to the H2O or WATER.


Poseidon (in Greek mythology, and Neptune in Roman mythology) was the god of HORSEs, the sea, and earthquakes.

Sibyl Hunter commet

A tale of 2 COREYs/CORYs. Fellow synchronaut, Sibyl Hunter left a comment on one of my previous posts which syncs in perfectly with this one.

I recently watched World’s Greatest DAD starring Robin Williams. In the film, Williams’ character’s son dies due to an autoerotic asphyxiation accident. To avoid embarrassing his son, he stages his death as a suicide by hanging the body on a closet DOOR with a suicide note. This is a sort of a parallel of Robin Williams’ death. His character was also on the DIVE team in college. At the end of the film, he is seen DIVING off the DIVING board into a pool of WATER.

World's Greatest Dad

World’s Greatest DAD is a dark comedy written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait.

World's Greatest Dad

In the beginning of World’s Greatest DAD, we learn that Lance Clayton (Robin Williams’ character) is a writer. They flash a scene of one of his novels titled, “DOOR To DOOR Android.” In the film, he places his son to hang on a closet DOOR masked as a suicide, to hide the real reason of his death. Robin Williams was said to have been clothed in a seated position, unresponsive, with a belt secured around his neck with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet DOOR and the DOOR frame.

World's Greatest Dad

World's Greatest Dad

At the end of World’s Greatest DAD, Williams’ character jumps off the DIVING board into the WATER.

Truthiracy breaks down the esoteric of the death of Robin Williams in connection to Family Guy, as well as The BEATLEs (part 3). All three videos are featured below. Check them out!

All of these stories deal with elemental themes–the FIRE, ICE, and WATER. The cycle of life depends upon the elements in order to survive. Everything in reality is elementary because it is elemental. Every supposed occult code can be broken down into a simple molecular and or mathematical structure. Everything is perfect!

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Fire and Ice Challenges: Tying It All Together

The theme of FIRE and ICE stems back to NORSE mythology.

Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology

In NORSE mythology, Yggdrasil is an immense tree consisting of nine worlds. Muspelheim is the primordial land of FIRE. Niflheim is the primordial place of ICE and fog–the land of the dead and home of the goddess Hel<–(HELL).

From Wikipedia:

“The NORSE creation myth tells how everything came into existence in the gap between FIRE and ICE, and how the gods shaped the homeworld of humans.”

Fire and Ice Robert Frost

FIRE and ICE by Robert FROST 😀

And of course most NORSE mythology stemmed from ICEland. This brings us to the recent erupting volcano taking place in ICEland currently. Volcanoes produce lava, which is associated with FIRE.volcano Iceland

The volcano in ICEland is now a code ORANGE.

volcano Iceland

First, there came FIRE with the FIRE challenge. The FIRE challenge seemed to have gotten popular under the FIERy sign of LEO, which we are currently under. It gives a whole new meaning to the word “PYROmania.” A recent news story reported a teenage boy by the name of JAMES<-(***Save this for later***) SHORES participated in the challenge, and died as a result. SHORES is a scRAM-BULLed HORSES. This is the Chinese year of the HORSE. Another teenage boy (name unknown) also participated in the challenge, wounding himself. He’s a resident of ORANGE County, CaliFORNia. FORN means “FIRE,” as in FURNace.

Fire Challenge

Fire Challenge Orange County California

Read more here.

Leo astrology

ALS=SAL/SOL scRAM-BULLed. SAL is SALt, and SOL is SUN in Spanish. The SOL or SUN rules the FIERy sign of LEO.

Pitbull released his new hit single titled “FIREball” on the first day of LEO, the LION–July 23, 2014.

Let’s get back to the color ORANGE. As we have learned from a previous blog post, the color ORANGE represents creativity. JAMES Wright FOLEY is wearing ORANGE in the photo below. FOLEY is a rearranged FILLY, a type of FEMALE HORSE. This is the photo taken just before his beHEADing by ISIS (ICEIS/US). ISIS represents the Divine FEMININE.

James Wright Foley

ORANGE is the new BLACK. Terrorist group ISIS (in BLACK) beHEADs American journalist James Wright Foley (in ORANGE).

The Lion King

There’s a lot of ORANGE color/energy embedded in the movie The LION King.

I had already made the connection between the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge and ISIS–> ICEUS/IS, however Mark Gray took it a step further in the slide below. He made the clever connection drawing the ISIS beHEADings and the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge together, in that BUCKETs of ICE water are dumped over the HEAD.

Mark Gray

Mark Gray‘s slide. Notice how they are dumping ORANGE BUCKETs over their HEADs in the photo above James Wright Foley and ISIS.

You can read more about the “The Return Of ISIShere, which I also mentioned in a previous blog post. Her return is taking place now on the planet.

The (MOTHER) ISIS energy has returned to planet Earth under the sign of Cancer.

Mets Bucket Hat guy

The METS BUCKET Hat Guy ALWAYS wears an ORANGE hat on his HEAD.

The METS BUCKET Hat Guy is a public figure or character often featured on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He makes connections by SYNCing and code-cracking for the public eye to see. In the video below, notice at 27 seconds in how he mentions the SINK and SINKhole (SYNC).

And then came the ICE:

ALS, short for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is neurodegenerative disease. Victims in the later stages of the disease may become totally PARALYZEDICE has the ability to PARALYZE, due to it being so cold. ALS is a scRAM-BULLed SOL, which means SUN in sPANish.The sign LEO is ruled by the SUN. The SUN connects back to the FIRE element. ALS is also a rearranged AILS (by adding the vowel “I“). AIL means “to suffer ill health” or “to cause pain or trouble for.” It is no wonder a disease like ALS makes one suffer, for it is encoded in the anagram. Lastly, ALS is also a scRAM-BULLed ELS, which means “god.” I’ve written about EL in numerous blog posts in the past. 

ice cubes

ICE has the ability to PARALYZE.

It is rumored that ALS donation $$<–(ISIS/ICEIS/US) is going to STEM cell research and funding. The STEM leads us back to the METS (a scRAM-BULLed STEM) BUCKET Hat Guy.

From Wikipedia:

“In the beginning, there were two regions: Muspellsheimr in the south, full of FIRE, light and heat; and Niflheimr in the north, full of arctic waters, mists, and cold. Between them stretched the yawning emptiness of Ginnungagap, and into it poured sparks and smoke from the south and layers of rime-ICE and glacial rivers from the north. As heat and cold met in Ginnungagap, a living Jötunn, Ymir, appeared in the melting ICE. From his left armpit, the first man and woman were born. From his legs, the frost jötnar were born, making Ymir the progenitor of the jötnar. Most sources identify Ymir’s oldest son as Thrudgelmir, who bore Ymir’s grandson, Bergelmir. The other jötnar are usually unnamed. Ymir fed on the milk of the cow Auðhumla. She licked the blocks of SALTy ICE, releasing Búri.”


From Wikipedia: “While Ymir suckles at the udder of Auðumbla, Búri is licked out of the ICE in this 18th-century painting by Nicolai Abildgaard (1790)”

ALS is also a scRAM-BULLed SAL, which is SALT in sPANish. SALT, the movie came out July 23rd, 2010–again, the first day of LEO. SALT is an acronym for Scorpio, Aquarius, LEO, and Taurus. ALS = 32. Salt

Salt Film


The figures in The World card of the tarot deck represent the four fixed signs–Scorpio, Aquarius, LEO, and Taurus, or SALT for short.

I usually provide an objective point of view when decoding and writing posts like this one. However, I feel I must offer my two cents here, and that is we create ALL disease/s with our minds. Mother Earth has provided a plethora of elements we may find in nature, such as herbs and other medicinal plants to help “cure” any disease. Of course, lifestyle, like eating organic food and exercising, and staying stress free plays a HUGE role in how well we all decide to BE. With the ALS ICE BUCKET challenge, I feel we are promoting disease by focusing on it.


There are MANY chinese herbs, as well as other medicinal plants on Earth that will help cure or treat ANY disease. Note the seaHORSE in the picture.


I highly recommend Reishi for just about any AILment. It has personally changed my life for the better!

And backing up a bit, FROZEN was a huge box office hit this past winter. The movie FROZEN was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen‘s fairy tale The Snow Queen, which is based on NORSE mythology. Also, comet ISON (ICESUN) made moves throughout the cosmos.




Currently, there’s all this buzz in Ferguson, MIS[I]Souri and how it’s becoming a “polICE state.” The title of the recent news article below caught my eye: “5 reasons the polICE brutality in Ferguson is just the tip of the ICEberg.” Take note of how the word ISIS is in the word Missouri.

5 reasons the police brutality in Ferguson is just the tip of the iceberg

Read more here.

SIN City: A Dame to Kill For comes out August 22nd, the last day of LEO (SUN). The movie poster reads “There is no justICE without SIN.” SIN relates back to the MOON and ICE/ISIS. SIN was the MOON god in Mesopotamian mythology. Like ISIS, he represented the MOON, ICE and cold energy. SIN City is in LAS Vegas. LAS = SAL or SALT scRAM-BULLed.

sin city a dame to kill for

In closing, the creation myth created a long time ago echoes, “out of nothing, comes something.” We create our realities. We are creating everything we do NOW, from what we see, to what we will see, and so on. The elements of FIRE and ICE are just symbols that have been sacred for many years, past, present and future, which is all simply created as we live in the NOW.

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