The Mythology of Lady Gaga ZIP’d Up From X 2 Z

This is another SYNContinuation of my twin, Jim‘s, latest blog post.  He contributed heavily to this blog post, and for that I am so grateful~ I’ll zip it up and let you, the reader, get started…

So at this point in the game, we all know that the lightning bolt is a representation of Ju(Pi)ter/Zeus. What is the lightning bolt? Well, TIN is Jupiter’s metal, so the lightning bolt represents the cane of Jesus or Jah.(Z).eus. It’s a zigzag that mirrors the z(ip)per. When we take a look at the zipper, we can see the letters, X,Y+Z in it. “eXamine Your Zipper” was what we always said as kids if your fly was down. “YKK” were the letters or brand that was written on most zippers which is equivalent to 47 which is 11. When your zipper isn’t zipped, it looks like the number 11.

As you can see, the Z.ipper zips down looking like a

As you can see, the “Z”ipper zips down looking like a “Y” and when zipped up, the zigzags portray an “X” or a “Z”

Please watch the above for a break and a laugh.  The video connects perfectly with what we are talking about as it’s from an Au(Gold)sTIN(Jupiter) POWers (POW=Play On Words) movie and they are talking about “Zip It.”  Dr. Evil represents “The Powers That Were” who are behind Lady Gaga and all of the tired, old timelines that are playing out.  As sync would have it, Jim has a job interview with the ZIPPY POWER supply company on Monday, 12/3/12!

The baseball has the zigzag-zipper pattern which I touched on in a previous blog or here.

The baseball has the zigzag zipper pattern which I have touched on in a previous blog or here.

Lady GAGA = zig zAG. If we zAG, this mean we are going to the left/right?…Using only 1 half of our brains or thinking in terms of duality. Babies make the Ga Ga sound.  This is why her name has “Ga Ga” in it. Going a bit deeper, I’m here to sync in the connection with the zipper and why she was chosen.Gaia/God = Jesus = Zeus. Zeus = lightning bolts that go zig zag in their path toward Earth (Gaia).

From Wikipedia:

“Later, when Zeus overcame the monster Typhon, the offspring of Tartarus and Gaia,[3] he threw him into “wide Tartarus”.[4]

According to Greek mythology, Tartarus is a gloomy place or Pi.t beneath the Earth. Tartarus breaks down like this: TAURTAURUS or JupiTER/THOR/TAR/TAUR + GAIA because JupiTAUR is a branch of GAIA who is TAUR (US).  We need to Z.ip IT UP and ascend lest we fall beneath into the gloomy Pi.t of Earth. Z(iP).IT.UP./Ju.Pi.ter or Taur…Do you see it?!!!! “Zip It Up” …has the same letters scrambled that we find in the word, “Jupiter,” (less the “Z”). Lady Gaga is a programmed MK<–(13+11=24/42=Jupiter!) Ultra POPstar who encourages the masses to keep it hush or to zip it up. Lady Gaga plays the role of Jupiter + Taurus/Gaia, the superhuman. Her video, “Born This Way,” sums it up with the obvious transhumanist agenda that’s being presented.

The positive view of Lady Gaga suggests a union of the divine feminine and masculine, within all souls during the ascension process taking place now.  The negative view is that of the Hermaphroditic agenda which deals with creating a race of subservient slaves that are neither male nor female.  The author(s) leave it up to the perception of the reader.  Additionally, her followers are called “Little Monsters” which relates back to the Typhon that Zeus threw into the Tartarus.  By using the power of sync and code-cracking, we are able to see that the same myths of the ages are playing themselves out right in front of our faces.

Lady Gaga sporting Tiger stripes, (Ju(Pi.)ter), & the lightning bolt over her right eye.

Lady Gaga sporting Tiger stripes, (Ju(Pi.)ter), & the lightning bolt over her right eye. These are also the same colors/pattern that Charlie Brown wears.

Lady Gaga uses the of her Ju.Pi.TAURfinger~

Lady Gaga uses the of her Ju.Pi.TAUR


Taking my POWer  back (with my Jupiter finger) never felt so good! It helps when you wear HI-VIbing Jewelry by these twins.

Whether these stars are Shhh-ing, (losing their POW-er), or pointing, (taking their POW-er back), the Jupiter finger is always involved.

Lady Gaga says”Zipitup,”Jup-iter! Whether these stars are Shhh-ing, (losing their POW-er), or pointing, (taking their POW-er back), the Jupiter finger is always involved~

During ANY GOLDen age, since the beginning of *time*, we’ve been able to cReAte one another and the worlds we live in. We must remember this.


Twin~Keys/Twin Flames JewishGypsy & Jim0000000002
(TwIN-kies were GOLDen!)


We ALL hold the twin-keys to our destinies~


Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the 6th Ray, the purple & GOLD ray. The word Nada means, “the voice of the silence.” She overSEAS in Jesus’ (J.ah.Zeus) retreat in the etheric octave over Saudi Arabia~


The SO(u)LAR PLEX-us chakra is GOLDen and is mainly responsible for the energies of POWer and *Will*

Lady Gaga is a reflection or sync refraction of Lady Nada, an ascended master of the 6th Ray which is Purple & Gold.  She is known as the reuniter of twin flames.  Gold is everywhere in today’s popular culture as we have the Golden Grahams cereal in the supermarket aisle and the Golden “Grams” (Grandmothers) or Golden Girls on television.  Zeus’ lightning bolts are often colored gold, and the gold man/tin man is given out at the Oscars every year.  The movie Star Wars features the Gold Man C3P0.

Lady Gaga sports the Ju.Pi.ter head(Pi)ece–(the Lightning Bolt) & she scores 3 Golden Grammys! Lady Gaga’s “The Fame Monster” won the award for best POP vocal (throat chakra) album.


“Plex,” (Solar PLEX-us), the robot from Yo Gabba Gabba is GOLDen and go figure, he’s a robot.

I am not finished linking SYNConnections to this WO.MAN (Ga-ga) just yet. She has also (bi)tten her style from stars like Freddie Mercury who were popular decades before today. Mercury was the SUN of Jupiter/Tin and Maia. Tin and Mercury are metals. This connects us back to the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades because Maia is one of those 7 sisters. Maia is Mayan or links us to Mayan prophecy.

Which ray is your favorite POP star on or is this

Which ray is your favorite POPstar on or is this “their” de(Pi)ction of 5 of the 7 Sisters of the (P)le(i)ades? Gaga sports the GOLDen wig/crown of the Solar Plexus.


This is the 1st vehicle I see driving in front of me today or as I take a break from writing this blog at exactly 4:44. A Subaru with the (P)le(i)ades logo or the 7 Sisters=Confirmation. Driving to pay my storage bill, my unit is right next to Babies”R”Us® ! Everything is Pi.rfect!

J(10)ay Z(26) cracked is J.Zeus or taken from J.esus/ If we take a look at the Verizon logo below, the “✓” mark can easily look like the letter, “J, and then we add the “Z” to get Jay Z. Jay Z is married to Beyonce who has a song titled, “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” Did she mean to title her song, “All The Single Pleiades” and is she referring to Saturn’s rings? Hmmm….

JahZeus / Jesus / JZ

J.ay Z. ( uses his Jupiter finger to point out the action~

J.ay Z. ( uses his Jupiter finger to point out the action~

J[upiter]/Zeus with his lightning bolt

The zig-zag is even in the WW of Wrestling logo~

The zigzag is even in the WWE wrestling logo~


Verizon is another company that uses the zigzag logo. In fact, when you take the “✓” + “Z”= (卐) or a swastika, which also looks like the zipper when it’s being zipped up or an “X. Both WWE & Verizon use the same color “scheme” to promote their businesses or agendas.

Speaking of babies, there’s a store called Babies“R”Us® and Toys”R”Us®. You may or may not know this but the “R” is meant to Represent the Eye of Horus. When flipped, it’s  a Reversed letter, “R.” Toys”R”Us® is TartarUS or TaurUS and we venture there this time of year to buy toys for Christmas. Jupiter is associated with Joy and rhymes with Toy. If we take the “J” from Joy and the “T” from Toys, we get JT, another pop star, Justin Timberlake. When we add J=10 + T=20, we get 2010 or the year of the Tiger who is Jupiter! Timberlake sounds like Timbaland who has worked with Justin in the industry. Timber–>trees–>firs–> what we put presents under during Christmas.

Eye of Horus/All-Seeing Eye or RA. The

Eye of Horus/All-Seeing Eye or RA. The “R” is just fl(ip)ped ARound. Zeus was given the lightning bolt as a gift from the one-eyed cyclops

Original code-cracking ARtwork by Rory.

Original code-cracking ARtwork by Rory.  RA is the Eye of TAUR-US.

In the LAND of LAKEs and TREES, Justin Timberlake, (left), & Timbaland, (right), rock Duality ~ (White & Black)

In the LAND of LAKEs and TREES, Justin Timberlake, (left), & Timbaland, (right), rock Duality or DUAL T (T/20 x T/20)  ~ (White & Black)

Douglas Fir Christmas Tree. The trees have voices! Follow me here FIR tree humor and FIRspective.

Road Signs (such as Curve Warnings) are black and GOLDen/yellowCurves on the road make us turn this way and that as we zig zag up the mountain.  The black and yellow (gold) bumble bee zig zags from flower to flower.  Wiz Khalifa had a song called black and yellow which are the colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Black and yellow are the colors that represent Saturn.  STEEL is another metal, while TIN relates to Jupiter and the number 42.


Black & yellow (GOLDen) road signs~
This also syncs us back to my previous post about the traffic signal.


Pretty much speaks for itself…

#24 (42) Ivan

#24 (42) IVan “Ike” Taylor, defensIVe back for the (Pi)ttsburgh STEELers, has got the “Jupe Moves” of football<–(Pi.Seas) & as sync would have it, we share a bEARTHday of 5.5          (Taurus-Ju.Pi.TAUR)


Our sacred pollinator~ Give it up for the ReAl black and yellow or GOLDen  honeybee. Just Bee~

The bee syncs us back to GOLDen Grahams, so stay tuned for an upcoming blog post by Jim and myself on our favorite breakfast cereals and their codes.

Hopefully you, the reader, isn’t perPLEXed by now and feel as if I’ve guided you through unfamiliar or rocky terra-t(R)ORY. I am just here to make connections in all things we experience day to day on TERRA or GAIA or EARTH.