This post is s.Pi.n off of AND where my head started to s.Pi.n after listening to my other half-andhalf (Calf/Cow/Taurus) break down the STOCK MARKET‘s Bulls & Bears in his recent YouTube video (down below). Please enJOY the added syncs, codes and downloads I’ve Pi.tched in. 

Jim mentions Fox channel 5. The 5 is a 2 fl(iP)ped and vice versa. On 2/5 (fEBruARy-(BEAR) 5th) we are in the sign of Aquarius a.k.a. the “Water BEARer”     {Aqua + (BEAR + AIR)}.  On 5/2 (May 2nd) we are in the astrological sign of Taurus a.k.a the BULL.


Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th) is the Water BEAR-er and currently the zodiac sign we are in now~

Syncing a bit further…
NEWS sounds like MEWS … so I decided to look up the word “MEWS” and found new definitions of the word that I was unfamiliar with which of course tied into the subject. I originally thought the word, “MEWS,” were COW pastures/(pasTAURS) but I was incorrect…—>

A MEW is:

1. A cage for hawks–> (Syncs us back to the BIRDS Jim refers to in his video)               2. A group of buildings originally containing (P)r(i)vate stables/(STAYBULLS)
3. The high-(Pi)tched crying sound of a CAT-(CATtle)/(MEoW)                                            4. Type genus of the Laridae/seaGULL (which rhymes with BULL)
5.To utter/(UDDER)-COW/Taurus) a high-Pi.tched cry, as of seaGULLs (Pi.tched=Pi.tcher–> Aquarius is symBULLized by holding a Pi.tcher of WATER)


A seaGULL-(BULL) on the JERSEY-(COW/BULL) Shore SYNCS/SINKS in! Jim is also from the New Jersey Shore.

NEWS also sounds like NOOSE, as in HANGMAN or MAN caught up in/by the NEWS. I can assure you “NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS” b/c none of it is NEW. While looking up that quote, I find that “No News Is Good News” happens to be a MOO-vie from 1943->(Pi).


Gary Gnu” was a character from a show that AIRed from 1981-1986 called The Great Space Coaster. He was known for his famous catchphrase, “No Gnews is Good Gnews with Gary…Gnu.” He was a NEWS rep(R)ORter. A GNU is also a type of wildebeest/wild cattle-(BULL)~

MOOving right along, NEWS also sounds like MU, as in it is the ticker symbol for Micron Technology Inc. on the STOCK MARKET which relates back to TaurusMU is also the 12th letter (Μμ) of the Greek alphabet and it has a value of 40. sATURn is represented by the #12 and is associated with money/MOOney. The number 40 is Taurus because when you drop the 0 you get a 4 and that is when Taurus begins, in April/  (4th m0nth).  Mu was also derived by the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for WATER which had later been simplified by the Phoenicians and named after their word for WATER, “MEM.” MEM is also the 13th letter of the Hebr(EW)->(M)EW/MOO/MU) Aleph-Bet and it too, has a numerical value of 40 (13th letter & 40 in value = Pi). MEM sounds like MOM, as in MOTHER/MAMAGaia/Taurus/Earth. The STOCK MARKET is located on the WATER or on the island of (M)anhatta(N), (N)EW-(MU/MOO/NU) York-(Pork=Pi.g=Pi) and MN–> { (M)anhatta(N), (N)ew } is Pi or 3.14. Μμ looks like an M and an n/N which is also Pi/3.14MU is also one of the lost civilizations of Earth, a.k.a. Le(MU)ria. I am currently wearing a Le(MU)rian Seed Crystal wrapped in COPper–> (COP=Pi.g=Pi) as I write this.


The Hebrew letter, MEM, translates to “WATER” in English and is also the 13th letter of the Aleph-Bet.


Phoenician MEM~ This symbol is closely related to that of Aquarius–> () ~

One last, obvious SYNC and without SINKing too deeply into the MEM but NEWS also sounds like MOOs/MOO, as in COW/Taurus. The powers that were view humanity as cattle who can be prodded and tamed. Not only that, cattle are given shots filled with antibiotics that make them produce faster. People want STOCKS in the MARKET to shoot up while never to PLUNGE into the MEM. If we take the N/n from the word, NEWS and put 2 N‘s/n‘s together, we get an M/m. If we flip the W in NEWS we get an M. Drop the S and keep the E and NEWs just became MEM.  Symbolically, this elicits how the NEWS all becomes a faint MEMory. Since I wrote this, this is a MEMRORY or a GEMRORY/ (JIMRORY). A capital letter E can also become 2 N‘s/n‘s or an M/m and MN=Pi.

(C)OW and (C)HICKEN was an animated series created by Hanna-BarBERA-(BEAR)    (CC=(C)ode-(C)racking) (Crack->Eggs->Chickens)

(C)OW and (C)HICKEN was an animated series put on by the production company, Hanna-BarBERA-(BEAR). (CC=(C)ode-(C)racking) (Crack->Eggs->Chickens). I am a Taurus-(COW) & Jim is the CHICKEN b/c he was born the year of the ROOSTER.

The DOW sounds like COW. DOW = 42 which is Ju.Pi.TAUR‘s #. STOCK relates back to the liveSTOCK of animals, e.g., OXen/BULL-(Taurus), chickens-(BIRDS), goats/sheep/RAM-(Capricorn, Aries), and other farm-related animals. We often see chickens being sold in markets located in different places on the globe as well as other animals. Maybe this is where the term “Meat Market” comes from. I wonder if people realize that after buying meat from a market, (either chicken or beef/COW/(TAURUS)), that they later cook it with something called a BoUiLLon (BULL+ION) cube. The cube is composed of CHICKEN STOCK.

I googled BULLION cube and this amazing, VintageV+TIN-(Ju.Pi.Taur)+Age) image popped up. OX=BULL XOXO~<3

I googled BoUiLLon cube and this amazing, Vintage (V+TIN->(Ju.Pi.Taur)+Age) image popped up. OXO=BULL XOXO~<3

MARK IT, TAG IT / TARGET-(the BULL), TAG, you’re IT in the STOCK MARKET. Bulls/Cows are TAGged by numbers to denote who is who or shall I say MOO is MOO. This relates back to the STOCK MARKET and numbers. TAGging also relates to social media sites like facebook and TWITTER (BIRDS) as far as MARKing MOO is MOO in different photos, places, etc. They also TAG animals by MARKing where certain BIRDS fly and they BRAND COWS which relates back to business and numbers.


From TARGET to TWITTER. The BULL‘s eye is RED and he/she speaks the BLUE TRUTH. The TWITTER BIRD is also BLUE.

The STOCK MARKET has many hidden codes within it’s structure. Overall, they’re embedded within our planet EARTH/HEART/TORUS/TAURUS. The F-OXis a creature of the EARTH and the (F)–>OX is the BULL. The BEAR represent AIR/(AquARIus) as well as WATER/MEM-(AQUArius). The BIRDS also represent the element of AIR. NASDAQ is a scrambled–>(EggsCHICKENS-(bi)rds) SUN GOD. NASDAQ owns the OMX STOCK eX¢hange network (Equal X.¢hange$ of energy-Taurus) OMX=OX/MOO…and it’s also FOX by taking 2 F‘s and by overlapping their “tails” (of the F’s) on top of one another–> F+F = M/m. I used to invest my MOONey in a bank called    F & M Bank And TRUST Company – (Truth/TrustTaurus). MOONey/MONey is also related to TAURUS/(BULLS) energy because the COW jumps over the MOOn. So, the BULL is the EARTH who resides in the Heavens just like the BEAR/S.

The COW jumps over the MOOn. The BULL's horns form the same shape as the crescent MOOn. Synchronistically, I found this photo and the artist shares the same name as my boyfriend's last girlfriend. She wasn't a Taurus though. ;-)

The COW jumps over the MOOn. The BULL horns of Taurus appear in the shape of the crescent MOOn. Synchronistically, I found this photo and the artist shares almost the same name as Jim’s last girlfriend. She wasn’t a Taurus though. 😉

The Cow (Taurus- Earth) has wings (Air)  or some crazy Achilles Ten(TIN)dons for! ;-P

The Cow (TaurusEarth) has wings (Air) or some crazy Achilles Ten(TIN)dons for! ;-P

OMX= 52. I broke down the the 5 and the 2 (52/25) above (AquariusTaurus)…which syncs us back to the BULLS & the BEARS b/c Aquarius is represented by the BEAR in the heavens and of course, the BULL/S=TAURUS. The STOCK MARKET uses energies derived from the elements of EARTH which includes all farm animals linking us back to the ¢on$tELLatIONS and the $t☆r$. We must look up to the St☆rs/the Heavens in order to sync back to what’s taking place here on our Mother Gaia.