The Sagittarius Archer Hits the Target

Happy Jupiter day! Today is sorta a mirRORed Jupiter day because it’s not only THORsday, but the date is 12/4/2(0)14. We just entered the sign of Sagittarius–the archer, on November 22nd. Jupiter, who rules Sagittarius, is the 5th planet from our sun.

Sagittarius, the "archer," is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR. He is half-man/half-HORSE.

Sagittarius, the “archer,” is ruled by Jew.Pi.TAUR. He is half-man/half-HORSE.


Key words to note about the archer: FIRE, JUPITER, THURSDAY, FIVE/5.

Chris Rock has a new movie coming out called “Top Five.” TOP=POT/PAN= another name for Jupiter, which again, is the 5th planet from our sun. The film is set to be released on December 12th under the fiery sign of Sagittarius. December (12) 12th = 12.12–> 12+12 = 24. The numbers 24/42 () symbolically represent Jupiter. This is all perfect because the film is also being released during the Chinese year of the (Jupiter) HORSE (2014) –> 12.12.(=24)2014.

Top Five David BOWie (DB = 42) recently released his new song on Black Friday in the U.S. (November 28th) entitled “SUe, (Or in a Season of Crime).” (SU[E]<–>US). The BOW and ARROW<–(**Save this for later**) are the archer’s weapons/tools.

The (Chris) ROCk is the CORe…Stay tuned for my next post, in which I will break the ROCk/CORe codes down. In the CORe of the apple lies the PENTAgram, or FIVE-pointed str. More of that to come soon…

David Bowie Sue (Or in a Season of Crime)

[D]avid [B]OWie = 42. The BOW & ARROW are the archer’s tools/weapons.


In the CORe of the apple we find the FIVE-pointed str, or PENTAgram.

bow and arrow cheerleading

The BOW and ARROW is an advanced CHEERleading stunt that is a combination of basic CHEERleading motions and advanced techniques. CHEERleading/CHEER represents JuPiter JOY! 😀 Is it just me, or do the letters on her shirt read BW, as in B(O)W?

The latest Hunger Games movie, “The Hunger Games: MockingJAY (J/Jupiter) — Part 1,” was just released (November 21st) upon entering the sign of the archer. As written in a couple of my previous posts, Jennifer Lawrence (“Katniss Everdeen“) plays the role of the archer. Last year’s film,”The Hunger Games: Catching FIRE” also came out under the FIERY sign of Sagittarius.

The Hunger Games- Mockingjay – Part 1

BURN = B = 2; UR was an important Sumerian city-state in ancient MesoPOT/(PAN)tamia; N = 14—>214//JuPiter.

Like SAGITTArius, SAGITTA is a constellation. In Latin it means “ARROW.” It is the root of the word SAGITTArius. When I think of SAGITTA, Bob SAGET comes to mind. Although he’s not a SAGITTarius, Mr. SAGET is a TAURus–the BULL. Where does the archer aim his ARROW at?…the BULLseye!Sagitta

bob saget

Bob SAGET played [D]anny [T]anner (DT = 4+20=24) on Full House. His character was straight as an ARROW! The bob is the pop. (Flip the b to a p). bob SAGET played a pop, or dad on the show.

And furthermore…


A TANNER is a person whose occupation is to TAN hides–those of which derive from the BULL/CATTLE/TAURUS.

The BULLseye is the cenTAUR of the TARGET, and TARGET is one of the largest retailers in the world. Many people are now shopping there in order to fill Christmas lists for the holidays.


The BULLseye is the cenTAUR of the TAURget. In the cosmos, it is otherwise known as Aldebaran–the BULL‘s-eye!


Because THIS is just too funny! 😉 Note how the FIVE/5 is in his name!

As I’m writing this post, the picture below shows up on my sidebar. Have a look!

Bullseye's Playground

BULLseye’s Playground is a mobile game experience that features TAURget’s BULL TERR[A]ier<–(Earth/Terra/TAURus) mascot BULLseye and other characTAURs.

Sagittarius is known for going on WILD adventures. They are the wanderers, travelers, or EXPLORERs<–(**Save this for later**) of the zodiac. Reese Witherspoon strs in a new movie set to come out tomorrow (December 5th) entitled “WILD.” In this film, her characTAUR journeys on a 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent catastrophe. WILD movie posterDora the EXPLORER represents the Sagittarian/Jupiter archetype in a recently released TV(42) (Nick Jr. —> NJ = 24) special entitled “Dora and Friends: Into the City!-Mystery of the Magic HORSES.” This special edition was released on November 24th, one of the first days of Sagittarius, and also during the year of the HORSE.Mystery of the Magic Horses Dora and Friends

Mystery of the Magic Horses

2014 = the year of the Jupiter HORSE

Dora and Friends: Mystery of the Magic Horses

MN=Pi/3.14/π (M=13 & N=14); 241 = JuPiter!

November 24th happens to also be one of my best friend’s bEARTHdays. Not only is she a Sagittarius born on the 24th (Jupiter), but she was also born the year of the TIGER. As many sync-enthusiasts know, Jupiter is symbolically represented by the TIGER, due to its stripes.


My beautiful Sagittarian amiga, Jessica Vega. ~~♡ Like Dora the Explorer, Jess is HisPANic.


Everything is connected! 😀

***(R)ORiginal slides by SynchroMiss!***