Face[Book] Off

Yesterday we experienced a global shutdown involving Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Telegram for some hours. As I mentioned on Twitter yesterday, 104 is a communication code, or an affirmative signal that means “ok.” Please read my previous post here about 104 and MERCURY Rx.

Facebook Shutdown 2021

Additionally, and as I mentioned on twitter yesterday, MERCURY, the planet that rules communication, travel, and technology is also in retrograde in the sign of LIbRA.

Mercury and the symbol for Mercury~

Let’s further decode FACE + BOOK and its shutdown yesterday: The FACE is ruled by the sign of ARIES. “BOOK” in Spanish is “LIBRO.” 10 = the 10th month, or when the sign of LIBRA is in effect. 4 = the 4th month/April, or when the sign of ARIES is in effect, thus 104, or 410. ARIES is LIbRA’s polar opposite in the zodiac, so often times when we decode using astrology, we look at the current as well as the polar opposite sign of the zodiac.

HG is the atomic symbol for MERCURY. HG Wells was a science-fiction author (he wrote BOOKs).

Hg is the atomic symbol for MERcury. It’s atomic # is 80. H = 8
HG Wells The War Of The Worlds
HG Wells wrote The War of the Worlds, a science-fiction novel about a conflict between mankind and an extra-terrestrial race.

[F]ace[B]ook = FB, or FBI — [F]ace[B]ook [I]ntelligence, leading us back to the current sign we are under, LIbRA, which represents law, (T)ruth, and (J)ustice.

@rOracle888 on twitter.

Let’s decode WhatsApp or What’s Up? 411 = the information code. Some may say “What’s the 411?” or “What’s Up?” What comes after 104 or 410?—>411.

As I’ve written before in a previous post, LIbRA scRAM-BULLed is ApRIL (flip the “b” to a “p”).

Any air sign (like LIbRA for instance) is going to involve communication. That’s what air signs are known for—either being balanced in their communication styles or it may be something one lacks if the sign isn’t balanced. In fact, all 3 Mercury Retrograde periods take place under air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra).

In addition, the GRAMs went down yesterday—InstaGRAM and TeleGRAM. GRAMs are units of measurement, bringing us back to the SCALES of Ma’at. As discussed in a previous post of mine, we learned that the SCALES of Ma’at relate back to the sign of LIbRA. And obviously SCALES weigh things.

TJ = Truth and Justice TJ = π
Hermes (also Mercury and Thoth) is the god of WEIGHTS and MEASURES.
Aries, the RAM is found in instagRAM

As I write this on the great island of the Outer Banks, North Carolina, one of the movies available to watch where I’m staying is “FACE OFF.” Just add a BOOK to the FACE, and FACEBOOK went OFFline.

Everything is connected.😉